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WATCH: Violent brawl breaks out following college basketball game

SDS Staff

By SDS Staff


An otherwise chippy game broke out into a full-fledged brawl Saturday after Norfolk State’s 22-point comeback win over Howard.

Multiple players from both teams began throwing haymakers just after the teams shook hands, and players and coaches had to be restrained. Per, the climax of the chippy-ness during the game came with Norfolk State’s Jordan Butler and Howard’s Akuwovo Ogheneyole were each given technical fouls with just over five minutes left in the game.

NSU ended up beating Howard 80-78, but things got ugly during the post-game.

The videos were just wild, as seen below from The Washington Post’s Tramel Raggs:

Here’s another angle from David Hall with the Norfolk Virginian-Pilot:

SDS Staff

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