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Think of the mindset of the forefathers back in the late 1700's. They were in the middle of fighting a war against our oppressive government. "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. "Well regulated" in the 1770's did not mean "government regulated." Back then, to the forefathers, it meant "well trained and disciplined" or "well functioning." "Organized militia" consist of citizens in the National Guard. "Unorganized militia" consist of all citizens, not in the National Guard. Therefore, A well trained armed citizenry is necessary for the security of freedom in order to abolish any form of government which becomes destructive to the Unalienable Rights of man. If the 2nd was included for our protection from a government which becomes oppressive, would it make sense to allow that same government the right to regulate our arms?