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You must not know the laws of California. Laws are different there than they are here in the East. Do some research before posting again.
I would like to see those 4 trams play the sec schedule. I guarantee he would have a different opinion if that was the case. All those teams play are garbage besides Mayne a select few.
Wow SDS you made yourselves look like idiots again. Are you guys based out of high school?? I've seen more false and inaccurate reporting by your reporters than anywhere else. That was not a bottle that was thrown on the field. It was a white flag of some sort. Get your crap together.
Im still confused on why the president is being forced to step down? Because racial slurs were used and because he didn't want to talk during the parade? In all honesty, if that many people surrounded my vehicle I wouldn't want to get out either. I bet that goes for everyone else who was in the protest at the parade. He has offered to speak over the matter and meet with everyone. When it comes to the swastika, the police are still looking into the matter. According to the law, unless it is targeting a specific race, then it is considered vandalism. I applaud this group of individuals standing up for what they believe in. Racism is a huge issue in this country and it needs to stop. For everyone who steps in and states that you are racist when when you say they should remove there scholarships for not participating in the football program are idiots. If i get a morgage for a house and then decide I don't want to pay it because i protest the company, I will get hit hard on my credit score and get hit hard in late fees. I will have to pay all this back. This goes for these players as well. A scholarship is like the morgage loan except for free. If you don't play then you should pay. A scholarship is a free loan. I am currently getting my masters. I never had the opportunity to go to school for free. I will graduate with over 45,000 in student loans. These students get to go for free and get free room and board. You say what you want. These players should be protesting for there rights and what's happening around them, but how there protesting playing is rediculous.