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Cole Cubelic insists Auburn doesn’t have a ‘quarterback problem’
Thorne has had issues with interceptions during both his time at Michigan st and here at Auburn. Maybe Cole is right but you can't turn the ball over like Payton does and expect to win close games.
Sometimes the easiest answer is the toughest to write.
Its asinine to think the gators would take him lol
I believe in our boys... but I am definitely scared
Theres no shot Florida starts out 1-3 as this article implies...
What a game.
Make that extra point and have the refs not call some terrible pi calls Florida would’ve won that game.
It’s hilarious watch a Florida team that is preforming with a complete strength/weakness flip from last year. Now, we have a great running game and a mediocre passing game. And an actually defense outside the first quarter. Dan Mullen is working with a completely different team lol.
All that said, great game, tough ending.
Not if we want someone who will solely look out for the best interests of the SEC
...and who likes Roger Goodell? No, college football doesn't need a headmaster.
That take on Tennessee didn't age well; I also changed my pick from oregon st to tennnessee because it lol, that's on me thou
That’s what I gathered as well... pretty ridiculous lol. I don’t think the individual calling out Mullen’s character have figured that out yet. Mullen met with the highschool coach, the dude was in the room, and Mullen expressed interest in the kid.
Vanderbilt had a punter who kicked 7 punts averaging 43 yards this past game. Something tells me he can put it through the frickin back of the end zone
Because his team can and should’ve beaten auburn.
Author: 'talks negatively about Bennett'
"Stop Patrick your scaring him"