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Can't wait till he gets that big loss in Commonwealth this fall!!!
Tennessee fans think they deserve a top 10 program. The keyword is 'deserve', because that's how they think. You people don't deserve a GD thing.
The NCAA needs to burn your sorry ass program down. Handing out bags of cash in Big Mac sacks?? You've got to be kidding me!! Big time probations and bowl bans should be levied at Tennessee.
Pruitt and Tennessee are in the tall weeds of mediocrity, my friend...Take a deep breath and let the Tennessee mediocrity resonate!!! Pruitt is a frigging moron and I'm glad Kentucky beat the piss out of you people!!!!!
Pruitt is a frigging moron...What a no class move!! Rot in mediocrity, Pruitt!!
The glory days are long over in Knoxville...You people need to get a GD life...You people have way too much self identity wrapped up in Rocky Top...
Kentucky can certainly whip Tennessee this year. Indiana kocked Tennessee out and then fell completely apart with 4 minutes left in the Gator Bowl. You bet Kentucky can pop Tennessee's bubble....
Beat the dog piss out of Tennessee!!!