
Razorback fan with BAMA Ties and Ex Auburn coach as high school coach

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Coach Bielema has done a great job with my beloved hogs, they have played well most games with only two games they fell apart badly, Auburn and Georgia. Texas A&M was an ugly late collapse that shouldn't have happened but oh well. Alabama and Mississippi st. were great games to watch and the last two were just plain out hog heaven :) I just don't understand why if we do well and make it to bowls, why we can't make it to some rewarding bowls in the sun down in FL sometimes as a reward and let the team and fans defrost. I understand recruiting but i believe that if the players got to see chances to play down there, it might help recruiting also.
That is the mindless stuff that too many bam a haters spew. I am a Hog fan all the way but I know personally that most of the Bama fans are much better than that. As with most fan bases, there are always a minority few that aren't worth the matter they are made of. It doesn't matter what what group. It is a shame we have to allow them in to the games to thin it for the rest of us.