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I do love reading about all the activity throughout the SEC and I've never been one to call any online reporting organization biased nor have I ever accused them of 'stirring the pot'. But I really think SDS is coming close to being both of those things. Is there anything positive you can say about either team and the upcoming meeting at Death Valley? Geez!
Be aware of the statements made about this young man. This is a public site that his family and friends can also read. We watched Duke play in his days at MGCCC. Yes, he has some growing up to be done, but he has talent. He's always had people around him to love and push him. Perhaps some time off will get him back to where he needs to be. He's still quite young and has maturity to develop. These boys that we all love to watch play on Saturdays in the fall are all still kids and all still someone's baby boy. It's our job to support them in positive ways instead of tearing them down when the fall.