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Im sure social media posts paint a picture of vol fans… but as a vol fan I can say thats not the norm. None of us are happy at this point but we’re not burning coaches at the stake. We’re hopefully that there’s a way out of this. Im sorry you’re step-dad sucked man.
Im sure social media posts paint a picture of vol fans... but as a vol fan I can say thats not the norm. None of us are happy at this point but we're not burning coaches at the stake. We're hopefully that there's a way out of this. Im sorry you're step-dad sucked man.
Well he took an undefined "assistant coach" job at UT 2 weeks ago... pretty sure UT suggested he might be a temporary coach for a bit when they hashed out that offer. And he obviously agreed.
UT fans don't think its a homerun... not sure where you got that from. But I agree that he has the potential to "bridge the gap"
Come onnn. No. You just read Albert Haynesworth's tweet and came up with this on the spot.