Mizzou Tiger in Michigan

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Not sure where Junebaby01 got his/her information regarding, "almost all these mass murderers coming up out of the conservative ways of thinking had a dad around growing up…" If one actually does some research one would find a much more "diverse" set of circumstances regarding mass murderers. Might be prudent to stick to sports on this website. Nonetheless, one hates to see talent wasted on bad behavior - on the field or off.
I agree. It is worse than a dental visit to watch an SEC team demolish an FCS opponent. I personally don't think any FBS team should schedule an FCS opponent just to pad their record. If college teams are going to charge an exorbitant fee to watch a game, then at the very least make it an exciting game. I remember when MIZZOU used to schedule tough opponents every year, nary a small college to be had. Strong competition makes you a better team, even if you lose the game. This year's schedule is an embarrassment. Even the Power 5 team (Purdue) might fail to compete. When MIZZOU was very good, it was because of the competition - a 6/3/1 record then was something to be proud of. Now, it is seen as a disappointment (7/5 would be the rough equivalent since there are rarely ties). I am all in for a 9-game conference schedule. I would much rather see an SEC team come to CoMo than an FCS opponent. No offense to the FCS but SEC football should be SEC-level football.
Let's see how accurate all these pundits are at the end of the season. Then we can truly assess whether or not ANY team belongs in the SEC. High standards demand high performance. That's why they keep score. Mizzou may surprise some folks - not all, but maybe some. Nonetheless, I will be in attendance to cheer them on.
Mizzou beat Indiana at Indiana but the next year lost in a last-minute touchdown. Should not have happened but doesn't qualify as blowout.