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What a great day to be a Bulldog! The team, the fans, the season, and even the opponents showed what college athletics can and should be. Thanks to all the fans of other schools for your congratulations. I want State to always be known for good sportsmanship and hospitality. Every fan base has its "bad apples," but I hope our "bad apples" don't ever tarnish the very special atmosphere of Mississippi State baseball. We hope to see all of you at "The Dude" next year.
I have to agree. As an MSU fan, I see Ole Miss' transgressions more readily than our own--last year's post game behavior, Deputy AD calling a student athlete a "thug" (21st century N word), etc. and I tend to focus on the positives of MSU such as our player protecting a helmetless Corrall from getting beaten--BUT if ANY of us think our program is pure as the driven snow and all of the poor sportmanship is on "THEM" we are deluded. If the State College Board doesn't demand that the university presidents demand that their ADs demand that their coaches "make nice" the governor will need to have the state National Guard mobilized in full riot gear for the next Egg Bowl. That would not look good at all.