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Correction. The Gamecocks are not coming to Greenville to play Clempson. They are going to Clempson to play Clempson. And hopefully, afterward, Dabo will be saying, "Clempson beat Clempson" like last year.
No matter what he does, he will always be an inspiration.
The article is another reason why I don't care for Stephen Garcia. Keying a professor's car and being suspended for public intoxication (and 4 other suspensions) and getting kicked off the team when you have potential for stardom and while a high profile college athlete - now that is embarrassing!
Yes, that was one of the classiest, most moving expressions of collegiate fraternity on the football field I have ever seen. The person was more important than the performers!
There has been some very poor play and some very poor play calling as the article states. However, the last two losses could have easily gone the other way and we would be 5-1 with no one complaining. In the three 11-2 seasons we had similar games that went our way due to a crucial play here or there. Those seasons could have been 9-4 or even 8-5. Yes, the defense is still learning while the offense has generally been effective - just ineffective at the wrong times. 3-3 and 5-1 are just a couple of bad plays difference. It hurts but this could be a transitional season back into further success. I sure hope so.
Spurrier was hilarious after the game. With Todd Ellis interviewing him, he said, "That second touchdown kickoff run looked like something from a movie. You tell everyone to just run around like you're doing something but don't touch the guy and let him score!" He tells it like it is!
Wow, please don't display your ignorance in public. He's classless and if you defend him, you probably are too.
Actually, if you notice, the pole looks slanted away from the ball and not flat on the ground. This photo is not the best angle. If the refs were not honest, they could have pushed the pole just a little in the other direction (or straightened it up which maybe they did earlier) and then a bad spot would have been more clearly in USC's favor. The spot may have been worse than the "pole call."
I think Brandon Wild's previous run looked like a first down and was the first bad spot.
The Brandon Wilds' run prior was not a generous spot. It was a first down.
Both spots looked pretty bad to me. I think Wilds had a clear first down in the first place.
Yes, no one mentions that one. Gurley got away with one and looked classless doing so.
To madkins1868 the 54 yard touchdown called back was for obvious holding and the announcers said, "there is a clear hold." Were you listening to UGA announcers? As much as i can't stand Gary Danielson, that's what he pointed out on replay and said. USC's back up ran for the same yards/average as the Heisman candidate
AubieTheAce18 is correct. The posting of this controversy demonstrates a lack of knowledge of the refereeing by the article writer. Mostly, I'm just happy that Jeff MacConaghy wasn't the referee (nor the poster of this article). Nevertheless, Georgia is looking very hard for the missing link!