Done went and hacked the wrong dawg!!!! You are being watched!!! I told you not to keep it up. If I were you. I would disappear and erase your computer's. But they can still be monitored. Be seeing you soon!!! WARNING Ignore the phone calls when people hang up or do something strange. Everyone gets those kind of calls. No rules have been violated. Freedom of speech has!!! POLICY IS NOT LAW... Someone needs to read about the difference in POLICY AND LAW! Someone doesn't like what I say about God, or vaccinations. If you cared about people you would understand. Apparently you don't care about yourself or your family even. Because I do it bothers you. I didn't guarantee people would die from a vaccine. I only said what other medical doctors and award winning scientists that work with viruses said. Personally I hope they are wrong. But sorry I do not trust the government or the globalist. The Georgia guide stones specifically say to thin the world's population down to under a million in America for certain. In order to easily rule them. This is a public globalist monument!!! When they say POPULATION CONTROL. What do you think that means? You think it means just laws about having more than one child like in China and other places? Why do you think that HOMOSEXUALITY is suddenly embraced and protected under law? IT SHOULD BE OBVIOUS!!! I don't care if you are gay or not. One thing homosexuality will never do is PRODUCE CHILDREN!!!! It's just more population control. Aids was created in a lab and then introduced into the green monkey, hence the green monkey virus! They killed millions with that Virus before they began SELLING THE CURE!!!! The drug than suppresses the aids virus should be FREE EXACTLY LIKE THIS SO-CALLED VACCINE IS!!!! Aids is a million times more deadly than even the worst form of covid!!! They have the cure but they prefer selling the drug to suppress it. They allow the poor to just die simply because they can't afford to buy that drug that should be free!!! ITS A FACT THAT THEY CURED CANCER LONG AGO! But someone broke into the scientist/doctors laboratory. Murdered him and then burned all his research!!!! This is a FACT! He had found a way to cure cancer tumors using electricity instead of chemotherapy. Are you aware that chemotherapy is just the act of PUMPING RADIATION INTO THE BODY. In hopes of killing the tumor before the body dies from radiation poisoning. Look it up and STUDY! It is a simple easy to prove FACT. That radiation is one of the main causes of CANCER!!! Cancer is any abnormal sells that have become immortal and keep growing out of control. Until eventually the person does!!!! The Cancer cells are IMMORTAL! Meaning they will not ever die on their own. Therefore they just continue to replicate themselves until eventually they kill the human body. They kill the body because the cells are not normal. If you can cause the human body to create these immortal cells in a healthy normal fashion. Well human beings would be immortal. They would NEVER DIE ANY KIND OF NATURAL DEATH!!!! You would still die of someone shoots you or stabs you. But you wouldn't ever die naturally. Nor would you ever get old!!!! STILL SCIENTISTS AND DOCTORS KNOW THAT RADIATION IS PROBABLY THE #1 CAUSE OF CANCER, PERIOD!!!! Which is why people who opt for chemotherapy lose their hair and dwindle down to a skeleton. And the #1 reason the cancer comes back most times!!! THEY HAVE LEGIT CONCERNS ABOUT CELLPHONES BECAUSE THEY EMIT LOW LEVEL RADIATION!!! MANY SCIENTISTS BELIEVE THEY HELP TO CAUSE CANCER FOR PEOPLE WHO CONSTANTLY KEEP THEM NEAR THEIR BODY!!!! Yet the radiation from a cellphone isn't even close to the radiation they deliberately run into a person's veins. Even if they cure one cancer another one takes its place. Another 100 times worse usually!!! Then they tell people. Well the cancer came back! Sure it did. And it was always going to!!! Because the so-called treatment is worse than the disease. IT HAS BEEN PROVEN THAT VAST AMOUNTS OF CERTAIN FOODS CURES CANCER IN A HEALTHY WAY, IN MOST CASES!!!! Want to know why the food and drug association won't endorse NUTRITION TO CURE CANCER? It's very simple. ITS BECAUSE DRUG COMPANIES CANNOT PATENT NUTRITION AND SELL IT!!!!! The FDA doesn't care about anyone!!!! They only care about PAYOFFS AND GETTING THEIR CUT!!!! MONEY HONEY!!!!! The God of globalist and bankers and most everyone!!!! WE SELL OUR SOULS FOR MONEY! WHAT MAKES YOU THINK THE FDA WOULDN'T SELL YOU OUT FOR MONEY??? In years past doctors only had HERBS to treat and cure diseases. With the exception of a very few known diseases. Most disease can be cured with proper nutrition and HERBS!!!! But the FDA will not endorse a single herb! Because again they can't patent it and SELL IT!!! They endorse drugs every day that THEY OPENLY ADMIT MIGHT KILL YOU!!!! Yet the FDA doesn't have a problem putting their seal of approval on KILLER DRUGS!!!! ESPECIALLY THE ADDICTIVE KIND. SUCH AS PAIN KILLER'S!!!!! Pain killers kill millions every year. Thousands per day!!!! They also turn healthy people into addicted slaves!!!! They turn them into criminals. Because an addict will usually do anything to get the money to PAY FOR THE SUPER EXPENSIVE PILLS!!!! Pain killers are a multibillion dollar industry. Then people who have insurance go to rehab and their insurance pays multiple thousands on average of probably 2 or 3 times a year for each addict. Some are regulars in rehab every month until they die!!!! Only between 5 to 10 % ever really recover to any degree!!!! That is where the old saying ONCE A JUNKY ALWAYS A JUNKY COMES FROM!!!!! The owners of these drug companies are MULTI-BILLIONAIRES!!!! Who are so powerful the law can't touch them. But a vigilante can!!! The FDA is for hire!!! They never hurt for cash either!!!! The FDA are in bed with the drug companies!!!! BUT YOU TRUST YOUR DOCTOR AND SCIENCE TO TELL YOU THE TRUTH, RIGHT??????? Barely a generation ago scientists and doctors concluded that CIGARETTE SMOKING WAS ACTUALLY BENEFICIAL TO YOUR HEALTH AND GOOD FOR YOU!!!!!! How many BILLIONS died of cancer before they finally admitted the truth???? The FDA and doctors knew someone was going down. So naturally THEY ATTACKED THE TOBACCO COMPANIES THEY HAD BEEN ENDORSING. THEY SETTLED BILLIONS IN LAWSUITS AND EVENTUALLY PUT A WARNING ON THE LABEL TO PROTECT THEMSELVES. BUT THEY DIDN'T EVER BAN CIGARETTES!!! The FDA never demanded that the #1 killer be taken off the market!!!! They figured the warning was enough. They laughed at the lawsuits. After settling them. It hardly dented their income at all. They were banned from using television to endorse their killer product. But they still do that to in movies!!! Just not as much. Still the best advertisement they or anyone could ask for was HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF ADDICTED SMOKERS PUFFING THEIR LIVES AWAY. ALSO HURTING THOSE AROUND THEM!!!! CIGARETTES ARE THE #1 POPULATION CONTROL TOOLS ON THE MARKET!!! THAT ALONG WITH PAIN KILLER'S AND ALL KINDS OF PERFECTLY LEGAL KILLER DRUGS ARE PUMPED INTO THE POPULATION EVERY DAY!!!! So these globalist that own the banks and drug companies along with cigarette companies. They found a way to reduce the population. Achieving their goal all while getting filthy rich doing it!!!! Want the truth? WE AS A SOCIETY ARE PAYING THEM TO KILL US!!!!!! Only the globalist have realized that these tools aren't working fast enough. So now they have put their scientists to work to create new germs and new viruses! Brand new diseases!!!! In hopes of speeding up the population control efforts. The efforts to SHRINK THE POPULATION!!!!! You only do that by endorsing lifestyles that will NEVER PRODUCE CHILDREN and killing the elderly off quickly. Then coming for even the young who may not be a fit in their NEW WORLD ORDER!!!! They plan to imprison and kill all who do not bow to the new world order. That being Christians and people who are anti-NWO!!! That is why we now live in a CANCEL CULTURE!!!! They wish to cancel any and all voices of reason. Anyone who believes in biblical Christianity. Anyone who refuses to call homosexuality normal. Or any sexual sin outside of MARRIAGE for that matter!!!!! They want to redefine God's idea of marriage as Adam and Eve. To replace it with Adam and Steve or Eve and Andrea!!! Because God's model is a man and a woman and God COMMANDED MANKIND TO GO MULTIPLY AND REPLENISH THE EARTH!!!! So naturally Satan's counterfeit is same sex marriage. That says, go do as you will. Only produce no children along the way!!!! It's this simple as Christ himself said. " if they are not against me they are for me. " Simply put. Either you are with Christ 100% on his side, or you are against him. IF YOU WISH TO BE SAVED. GOOGLE THE SINNERS PRAYER AND SAVED BY GRACE AND THE PLAN OF SALVATION. YOU CAN ADMIT TO GOD RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE. THAT YOU KNOW YOUR A SINNER. ASK HIM TO FORGIVE YOU IN CHRIST NAME ONLY!!!! THEN INVITE CHRIST TO COME IN AND SIT ON THE THRONE OF YOUR HEART!!!! " Jesus said " Behold I stand at the door and knock and if anyone will open the door I will come into them. " No such thing as having sinned to badly for Christ to forgive you. He always will forgive you. As long as you confess TO HIM all the sin your aware of and ask God to forgive you and make you a new creation in Christ Jesus the Lord. And pray in Christ name alone. No one else!!!! Christ died for your sin and mine. He is the only one able to forgive sins and make you ready for heaven instead of the wrath of God!!!! As I said. Google the sinners prayer and saved by Grace. God's plan of salvation. Make certain you are reading from a bible believing website. Make certain your not reading any information put out by people claiming to be THE ONLY TRUE CHURCH!!!! The truth is God has Christian children that are truly saved in most every denomination. They might be confused but they are saved!!!!! The words of Christ, " Seek and you will find, ask and it will be given you. " God also said. " Seek me and you shall find me, when you seek me with ALL your heart!" PS. It's time to pray and seek the one true God with all our hearts!!! Because we have entered into the last of the last days and last generation. Christ did say " NO ONE KNOWS THE DAY OR HOUR " WHEN HE WOULD RETURN. But he commanded his children to KNOW THE SEASON!!!! That means we can know when it's nearly over. We just cannot say well he will return next Friday at 8:00 pm or something like that. But he gave us SIGNS FOR A REASON!!! We can know when the year is drawing near and maybe even when he is coming within months!!! Don't worry about that right now. Just worry about being saved and getting to know the word of God!!!! Get to know your heavenly creator who wishes to become your heavenly father!!! Buy he can't until you first confess your sin and make Christ the owner of your life. Anyone who made a pact with the devil or quote sold your soul. YOU CAN STILL BE SAVED!!!! Don't listen to the devils lies. You cannot sell your soul in that way because it doesn't belong to you!!! Sure you can make deals with demons!!!! You can be possessed by them. But Christ cast out devils by his word and still does today!!!! God says in Malachi " ALL SOULS ARE MINE SAYS GOD. THE SOUL THAT SINS SHALL SURELY DIE. " WELL, " WE HAVE ALL SINNED AND FALLEN SHORT OF HIS GLORY. " As God says in his word. That is why Christ died for our sin. Because none of us can be perfect!!! God requires perfection to get into heaven. Even 1 sin will keep you out!!! That is why God sent his only son into the world to die for us. The perfect for the imperfect. The sinless for the sinner!!!! Man fell through disobedience in the Garden. Sin reigned because of one man's sin. In the same way. Because of ONE MAN'S RIGHTEOUSNESS EVERLASTING LIFE IS GIVEN AS A FREE GIFT TO ALL WHO BELIEVE AND DESIRE IT!!!!! You can't do anything at all to save yourself!!! No amount of good works will erase one evil stain of Sin. But the free Gift bought by the blood of Christ will cleanse all sin by his blood and by his grace!!! Saved by Grace simply means. God saved you simply because he loves you!!! Nothing you could do or did will save you. But calling upon the name of Christ and meaning it from the heart will allow you to be forgiven of ANY AND ALL SIN!!!! The only unforgivable sin is remaining in unbelief!!! Joining the Anti-Christ when he comes in the flesh and speaking against Christ in that future day. Especially speaking against the WORD the Holy Spirit of God as he speaks through God's children. Simply put, if you willfully receive the mark of the beast and choose to go against Christ and his people. If you ever commit that sin. You'll not want to be saved. You'll have absolutely zero desire for salvation. If you are scared of what is coming. If you believe and wish to be saved. You haven't committed that sin. Because you cannot even desire salvation without the Holy Spirit of God drawing you. He wouldn't draw you if you had done it. So if you feel that tug at your heart. Say yes to Christ. Come to him exactly as you are and ask him to save you and forgive you. He will clean you up!!! Because you can't clean up yourself. Human effort is only a waste!!! It takes God to clean you up. You just be willing. Anything he doesn't set you free from that you know is a sin. NEVER BE PROUD OF IT. CALL IT SIN AND ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS ASK HIS FORGIVENESS. NO MATTER HOW MANY TIMES YOU FALL FROM WEAKNESS!!!! Sometimes God allows things to remain in order to keep you humble!!! Never ever call anything GOOD OR RIGHT if God calls it a SIN in his word!!! Example. No one was born gay. It's a choice!!! It's also a SIN!!! We are ALL born with evil lust of the flesh and sin living inside us. Therefore anyone could choose homosexuality and say well I had these feelings at a very young age. Yep that is because SIN LIVES IN YOU! It manifests in different ways. For some they have homosexual desires very young. Others have a desire to murder and get a thrill from it. Some desire to steal and did so very young. GOD CALLS ALL OF THIS, EVIL LUSTFUL DESIRES OF THE FLESH. OR.... UNGODLY DESIRE OF THE FLESH!!!!! Just because you felt something very young doesn't mean you had to become that!!! Homosexuals confuse being shy with the opposite sex while being at home with your same sex. They confuse this with being gay!!!! Lots of straight people were scared to death of the opposite sex. Most of us have friends we feel at ease with. To begin with. That initial shyness that both men and women feel about sex acts is actually God saying this is wrong!!!! We all start out with a conscience that God put in all of us. The more we go against it. The more we feel less shy. But at a cost!!!! YOU KNOW HOW EMPTY AND EVEN DIRTY YOU FELT AFTER LOSING YOUR VIRGINITY???? That is because we are supposed to wait until marriage!!!!! It shouldn't feel dirty after marriage. Yet some still feel that feeling of guilt. Really it stems from the evil done before marriage!!! It's just that the sex act is reminding you of the first time. Outside of marriage when it was a sin. God will forgive you of ALL SIN INCLUDING SEXUAL SIN. BUT NOT UNLESS YOU ARE WILLING TO SAY. I SINNED!!!! GOD DIDN'T MAKE ME THIS WAY. THE DEVIL USED SIN THAT LIVES IN MY FLESH TO TEMPED ME AND I GAVE IN. THEN CALL EVERYTHING A SIN IF GOD SAYS IT IS. REGARDLESS TO HOW YOU FEEL ABOUT IT!!!!!! That means no more gay marches and no more gay clubs. And no more gay friends except to tell them about Christ. If they are still your friend and repent. You have a friend. If they refuse to repent. You won't have to feel bad breaking off the friendship because THEY WILL DO IT!!!!!!!! Call sin a sin always and stay on God's side. That's all for now. God bless...TIME IS SHORT JOHN 3:16 IS FOR YOU!!!!!

Recent Comments
COACHING is about LONG TERM success....not the first two games!!!! D Sanders was an unbelievable player....30 years ago!!! But means nothing in the year of our LORD 2021!!!! Success is not is rented...and rent is due EVERYDAY!!!! Negan
Southern California is now SEC country!!!! Instead of about recruit better???? Success is not is rented....and rent is due every day!!!! USC winning tradition from 20 years ago does not mean a hill of beans now!!!!!! Negan
TRY reading it BamaSTAIN...I know reading is hard in your part of the world.... Negan
TYPICAL ALABAMA EDUCATION RIGHT THERE!!!!! " It also didn’t hurt that Alabama has produced great wide receivers like Julio Jones, Amari Cooper, Jerry Jeudy, and Heisman winner DeVonta Smith." Y'all forgot one. How about Calvin Ridley???? Poor Calvin Ridley. A #1 pick and rookie of the year not long ago. Yet he's already forgotten. And for a while he was on the same team as Julio Jones. Wanna know what makes me mad??? WE GAVE UP JULIO JONES FOR NEARLY NOTHING. JUST BECAUSE WE DIDN'T WANT TO RESTRUCTURE HIS CONTRACT OR COULDN'T GET IT DONE. YET HE ALREADY DID IT NOW THAT HE WAS TRADED!!!!! The falcons could have had Julio Jones, Calvin Ridley and Kyle Pitts all catching passes from Matt (overpaid) Ryan!!! Ryan might have even had a great season with those guys catching his weak passes. But NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! The new coach lets him go like nothing for nothing. I'm not a Matt Ryan fan. But I'm really not a fan of the new coach. I haven't liked him ever since he took a CAREER RUNNING BACKS COACH AND MADE HIM THE NEW QB COACH. Genius at work. That is the most falcon thing any coach has ever done. THE NEW COACH RECIPE FOR REVIVING THE FALCON PASSING GAME.....AS FOLLOWS... A.) Trade your best receiver. Possibly the best in the league. B.) Hire a running back coach as your brand new PRO QB COACH!!!! No doubt these two moves create a dynamic passing game that will light up the NFL this season!!! The falcons go unbeaten and win that first super bowl!!!! Then you woke up and realized that falcons have become worse in a really big way!!!! If anything else happens. You might really want to pinch yourself hard!!!!! LOL A BEAUTIFUL THOUGHT...... Falcons fire new coach after game 1 this season. Shortly after within minutes. Nick Saban is named NEW COACH OF THE ATLANTA FALCONS!!!!!! Saban reports the news from Atlanta in a SAFE SECURE LOCATION!!!! To prevent folks in Tuscaloosa from attempting bad things!!! Alabama social media and the SEC NETWORK all have a MELTDOWN!!!! YOU PINCH YOURSELF AND WAKE-UP. SHEESH IT WAS ALL A DREAM. CAUSED BY SPORTS RADIO PLAYING IN THE BACKGROUND. Everything is well in Tuscaloosa again. You look out your Window. You see your neighbor getting their mail. NO ZOMBIES ON THE STREET ANYWHERE. Yes, it was all just a bad dream. You even say a small thank you prayer. First time you prayer in years. LOL COUNTING YOUR BLESSINGS... Then you are enjoying a cup of morning coffee. Thinking to yourself how scary such news would be. Remembering just how blessed you have truly been as an Alabama fan. In fact you are soooooooo thankful on this morning. That this realistic horror scenario was only a bad dream. So thankful you decide to do a good deed. You hop on SDS and type a nice comment for your brand new LSU & auburn friends. Heck you are so thankful. You write something nice to Georgia fans as well. Now see what your dreams can do? © Negan PS. Your new friends are so impressed with the brand new you. They say something confusing, like dude you are a better man than myself. You love the world on this morning and only you know why. Even better, in your dream it was a Monday. A work day!!! Suddenly, you remember it's Saturday morning. You don't even have to work today. Alabama plays later and things suddenly can't get much better!!! Your just about to shed a few happy tears. Once again realizing how blessed you have been. PS. Since you don't work. You decide to listen to some sports radio before Alabama plays. Then it happens. THE ANNOUNCER STARTS TALKING ABOUT THE SHOCKING NEWS OF SABAN GOING TO ATLANTA!!!! YOU SCREAM NO!!!!!! YOU REACH DOWN AND PINCH YOURSELF AND OUCH!!!!!!! IT HURTS!!!! BUT YOU KNOW THIS CAN'T POSSIBLY BE REAL. NOPE YOUR JUST HAVING ONE OF THOSE WAKE-UP DREAMS. YOUR DEFINITELY STILL DREAMING AND YOU CAN PROVE IT!!!!! YOU TURN ON YOUR DREAM TELEVISION. ITS TALKING ABOUT SABAN LEAVING ALABAMA FOR THE NFL AGAIN. YOU START SCREAMING WAKE-UP, WAKE-UP PLEEEEEAAAASE WAKE THE H?LL UP!!!!!! YOU WILL PROVE IT'S A DREAM. YOU TAKE YOUR FIST AND PUT IT THROUGH THE TV AND THEN TAKE A RUNNING JUMP OUT YOUR BACK WINDOW. THEN YOU FINALLY DO WAKEUP A BEAUTIFUL WOMAN NOT YOUR WIFE SANDING OVER YOU WITH A SMILE. SHE'S EITHER AN ANGEL OR ANOTHER FAR MORE BEAUTIFUL DREAM. WELL AT LEAST THE OTHER NIGHTMARE HAS FINALLY ENDED. YOU FEEL PRETTY GREAT AND THIS DREAM HAS POSSIBILITIES. THEN SUDDENLY YOUR WIFE APPEARS NEXT TO THE HOTTY IN WHITE. SHE'S ALIVE SO ITS NOT HEAVEN. JUST A GREAT DREAM SO FAR WITH REAL POSSIBILITIES. HEY STOP THINKING LIKE THAT!!!! YOU HEAR A TV IN THE BACKGROUND SO YOU KNOW YOURS ISN'T BROKEN AFTER ALL. VERY REALISTIC DREAM YOUR STILL HAVING. IT EVEN HAS SPORTS CENTER. SPORTS CENTER AND 2 BEAUTIFUL WOMEN. HEY ANOTHER JUST CAME AND SMILED AT YOU AND SAID HELLO AND THE WIFE AIN'T EVEN ANGRY. DID I MENTION POSSIBILITIES??? LOL Finally your wife whispers turn that off. Then you say, no babe it's alright leave it on. I like it. You feel almost high lol. Then the wife leans down and kisses you and says. I think WE better put superman to bed now. You say you read my mind babe as you struggle to remember exactly what you took at bedtime last. Because these dreams are cool and this one is the very best. Then the wife kisses you goodnight and you say wait a minute babe. Don't go big daddy is feeling frisky. They both giggle. You feel a strange pain in your arm. Great your sleeping on your arm again and it's going to no doubt wake you up. Just when this crazy nightmare finally started getting good. You close your eyes and say over and over again. I feel no pain don't wake up. You say it around 5 times while relaxing your arm in the dream as sometimes it works. YEP IT WORKED. NO MORE PAIN. But you decide to try not to move that arm or even think about it in hopes of remaining asleep!!!! IT APPEARS TO BE WORKING... Your feeling no pain again and the ladies are STILL THERE!!! The other woman is also back now. With a smile your wife says hey honey are you ready for bed now baby or not??? You nod your head in approval. With a silly schoolboy look on your face. Then your wife says. MAYBE I NEED TO ASK HIM NOW!!! They smile and agree. She says baby there is something I need to ask you. Do you think your ready for my question? Of course darling ask me anything you reply. Then your wife says, are you sure baby? It won't make you mad at me will it she asked you again smiling sweetly. Your reply, honey we always said we can tell each other anything. She sweetly says alright then. Here goes. Honey, why did you knock our tv set out and jump out our bedroom window 2 stories up??? You answer her saying, what??? She says don't you remember anything??? You remain silent and just pretend shaking your head no!!! Then she says that's why I wanted them to turn sports center off. This morning you heard the news about Nick Saban and went crazy!!!! You put your fist through our TV set. This resulted in you being partially electrocuted. You have a bald spot on the top of your head now. Because your hair caught on fire!!!! You panicked and jumped out our window. You actually destroyed boomers doghouse landing on it. But the doctor said it probably saved your life. Thanks to how you hit it. It kinda broke your fall. Although Boomer (doggy) is traumatized now. The doctor says it could have been so much worse. You are sooooooooooooooo lucky sweetheart. Doctor says You broke your arm but it will heal. But he is not so certain your hair will ever grow back up there. The doctor says you will look like one of those monks that shaves the top of your head. Then she says. The doctor had some good advice. He says you can get a big crimson tide tattoo on the crown of your head. He says it will match the burnt skin color perfectly and people will think you did it to be a fan!!!! He had another idea to go with it to. But I don't know about that. You just look at her with eyes that say. WHAT IDEA??? Go ahead and tell me. The doctor thinks you can write underneath the Tide tattoo on your head. Words that read. MY DESIRE BURNS BRIGHT WITH A CRIMSON COLOR GLOW!!! As a way to remember your hair fire. He's not a psychologist but he thinks it might help to heal your emotions. Then she says. I know the news was shocking sweetheart. But did you have to go crazy??? You finally get up the courage to speak again. You say what news honey??? Knowing about what she will say before you even ask. Then she answers you. All your fears are founded. She says well prepare for a shock honey. You answer, don't worry. It's out of my system for now. I already heard. Saban went to Atlanta, right??? She answers oh, well I knew you probably heard about that. But there's more. I thought maybe you might have heard a little of the press conference on sports center today. You say nope. What is so shocking? She says, we already named a new coach. You answer that was fast. Who did they pickup in one day??? It was Kirby Smart right? Darn I never thought he would leave Georgia you babble on. She says, I wish but no. You say oic, so Dabo decided to coach his old school after all. I'll bet clemson fans are raging. She shakes her head no. Then says, again it would have been nice. Then you say, wait a minute. Not Gus!!! She says, actually I wish it were Gus, but no!!! You are racking your brain and start rattling off names. You say... Kiffen, Ryan Day, oh I know it's Lincoln Riley. I always had a feeling about him. He's fed up with OU I guess. Man I hope he brings over a few of those wide receivers. You know this is about as good as it gets if it's not those other guys!!! She begins to cry a little. And again she shakes her head no!!! You say alright one more time. Then you say James Franklin? He's not so bad. He had vandy winning. No response from her except pitty!!! Oh no you say. No not Mullen. Please not Mullen!!!! She perks up a little and says no not him thank God. You both agree on that one. Then one last time. Not very encouraged you say. It's either Pruitt or a big-time coordinator, right??? Again no!!! Then you say. Well I know you don't know much about football or coaches. But just tell me the name and I'll know him. But dang it. We are going to really stink for a while. But to hire them so QUICKLY. It has got to be a huge name I'm just forgetting. She says I can't remember his name. You say please honey, please try. Can't you remember anything at all??? She says, well he did say he intended to CHANGE THE CULTURE AT ALABAMA. Now you are wondering is this a dream? Who would want to do that?? She then said well he says Alabama is wound too tight. He wants the fans to lighten up and to remember that being a champion of life is so much more rewarding than national championships. He says championship or bust will never be his motto!!! Your head is a bit foggy from the pain meds in you. But you think No, it's not him. No other coaches say similar things. Then she says, oh and he said brick by brick. Jumping out another window begins to sound like a good idea. No no no no no no no, You scream!!!!! It can't be Negan Negan
BAd news gaytors.........not only are going to get beeten like a rented mule.... Tebows not playing a down against alabama...not that he could help with that blocking we saw for jacksonville and urban LIAR How many arrests did urban LIAR have during his gaytor tenure???? Only 56!!!!! "But 12 starters (that's a majority for you World Cup fans unfamiliar with American futbol) were arrested in college or have been since leaving Gainesville. Or they've been suspended for violating NFL drug policies. The cases range from serious (Chris Rainey, aggravated stalking) to silly (Jermaine Cunningham, misdemeanor battery when he allegedly threw paper cups at a sandwich-store clerk). Cunningham also led the team (if not nation) with 14 career traffic tickets. Maurkice Pouncey had only seven. He and brother, Mike, kept their noses relatively clean while Gators and have gone on to NFL fame. Well, they did rankle people when they showed up at a birthday party last summer wearing "Free Hernandez" caps. Maurkice apologized, but Mike never did. Perhaps he was busy dealing with the bullying accusations that gutted Miami's 2013 season. The Hernandez he wanted freed is Aaron, of course, currently charged with three murders. Remember what their old coach said about wild animals protecting each other? Meyer isn't responsible for the Pouncey's hat collection or Hernandez's alleged crimes or Joe Haden failing a drug test in Cleveland, but those actions speak to the kind of character he brought to campus. So what did you expect?" Had they not cheated so much, maybe UGA would have won some of those games!!! But mark richt had INTEGRITY. Look it up gaytors!! Negan
FLORIDA is in for a LONG season....they have talent (NOT AS MUCH AS UGA) but they CAN WIn some games.... LAST TIME FLORIDA CAME IN WITH NO GOOD QB IN THE COCKTAIL PARTY BUT A GOOD DEFENSE IT WAS AN UGLY AFFAIR!!!! "Five days after Williams ripped his defensive teammates for playing too soft, the Bulldogs turned in their best performance of the season -- one that will go down in Florida-Georgia lore. The Bulldogs stuffed the Gators (No. 2, No. 3) from every angle, forcing six turnovers in a 17-9 victory Saturday that left them on the cusp of the Southeastern Conference Championship Game. Call it the World's Largest Outdoor Turnover Party, and it gave Georgia consecutive wins in the heated rivalry for the first time since 1989. These have to be two of the more significant victories of coach Mark Richt's tenure. "I'd say we're not soft," Richt said. "The defense rose to the occasion. ... Our seniors played well, and I know it's a game they'll remember for the rest of their lives."" oach Mac recruited them all and won the east his first 2 seasons. Mullen flat out ran off Matt Corral a 5 star QB for Emory Jones!!! You can't tell me you would honestly rather have Emory Jones than Corral!!!! Don't get too hyped up. It's a long season. And now it gets real. I still say the floor could be as low as 2017. Your ceiling is 3 losses in my book. I can count 2 with Georgia and Alabama. Still I believe LSU will beat y'all. YOU NEED NOT COUNT THIS LAST GAME FOR MUCH. BECAUSE LSU WAS WITHOUT 22 PLAYERS. INCLUDING MANY STARTERS!!!! But in death valley I believe they will get you. I believe Kentucky and Missouri might have your number this season!!!! I know Florida is your team and you want to hope for better things. Talk yourself into believing that Mullen and staff are these elite coaches!!!! You are a typical blind fan. I've been there myself!!! But my football blindness never effected my actual predictions. I was always real with myself!!! I do believe Kirby Smart is a top coach. NOT TOP 25 EITHER. I MEAN TOP 2! ​He is right up there with Saban in my book. Faced Dabo once and beat him!!!! Faced him in many recruiting battles and is way ahead!!! Georgia would own the ACC and make the playoffs every year to. And probably would have won more titles!!! Kirby gets the team ready to play more than anyone ever has. Except maybe Vince Dooley. That is a really big maybe!!!!! People keep poking fun at Kirby Smart as a coach. But those same people wish they had him and his staff! Everyone said Muschamp was going to bring poison to our team and staff. Well say what you will. I've never seen Georgia play with the heart and passion they are playing with this season. Personally I hope Muschamp decides to remain a part of our staff long term and leaves head coaching alone!!!! He can coach. But only the worst teams hire him!!!! Like Florida after Urban Liar destroyed their program. But they blamed the Georgia guy!!!! Well he had a year or two that was better than Mullen. But nobody gives him credit!!! PS. But y'all did get lucky last season. Still I wouldn't count on that again!!! This is the beginning of THE DECADE OF THE DAWGS! Maybe DECADES!!!! Either way. This season it officially begins as I predicted!!!! The Tide is washing back out to sea and won't be back for a while!!! Negan
THIS SHOULD be a blowout....but WITH KIBY YA NEVERY KNOW!!!! NOw if Georgia comes to i know my dawgs will...guess what??? CHICKENS ON THE MENU!!!!!! But I really think UGA is not getting enough love this season....everyone is falling in love with Oregon or Oklahoma... Oregon is NOTHING!!! So what? They beat a WAY OVERRATED OHIO STATE THAT LOST BY A MILLION TO ALABAMA WITH JUSTIN FIELD’S. NOW THAT DON’T HAVE HIM AND RYAN DAY IS DAN MULLEN BIG 10 VERSION!!!! Maybe now the Ryan Day hype train of coaching Urban Liars team and players will come to a crashing fault. Along with every pair of lips attached firmly to his backside!!! It’s Kirby Smart that everyone calls a recruiter but not a coach!!!! You’ll all find out how wrong you are soon enough!!! Playing without half our big weapons on offense. The dawgs proved themselves against a great clemson. Then proved it wasn’t a fluke playing backup QBs this week. As for Ryan Day. I SINCERELY HOPE NOBODY HURT THEIR LIPS IN THE CRASH!!!! Oregon is still nobody!!!! They are not even a player in the game this season. Mighty Texas who is always back supposedly. Just got trounced by my other team Arkansas!!!! Enjoy that first dose of your SEC FUTURE TEXAS!!!! Georgia is probably #1 and #2 in the real poll for now!!!! I’m sure Young has OU ranked high. But Iowa state is likely to beat them. OU is another team that is ALL HYPE UNTIL THEY PROVE SOMETHING BY BEATING AREAL TEAM!!! Kirby Smart has beaten several real teams including the best OU team they have had since the 80s!!!! That OU team beat a good Ohio state by 2 TOUCHDOWNS ON THEIR HOME FIELD. IT WAS THE FAMOUS GAME WHERE BAKER MAYFIELD PLANTED THE OU FLAG ON THE OSU 50 YARD LINE!!! THAT GEORGIA TEAM BEAT FLORIDA BY 5 TOUCHDOWNS. WE BEAT A POWERFUL AUBURN TO WIN THE SEC 28-7!!!! AND YES WE ALSO BEAT ALABAMA IN REGULATION AND GOT ROBBED!!!!! BY A REF WHO APOLOGIZED PUBLICLY TO GEORGIA FOR TAKING A CHAMPIONSHIP AWAY FROM THEM WITH TERRIBLE CALLS!!!!! Oh well past history!!! I’m just saying. Georgia beat several other really good teams as well. Georgia opened this season beating the #3 ranked clemson tigers. With the best defense clemson has had in years. Contrary to most people’s opinions!!! Clemson is elite on offense and defense!!!! But for once they finally played a top SEC TEAM IN THE REGULAR SEASON!!!! They built their reputation beating mid level to bad SEC teams in regular season and getting lucky in the national championship game. By simply playing an Alabama team that Georgia took the majority of their heart!!! I’m not saying anything Alabama didn’t admit!!!! STILL CLEMSON HAS NEVER MISSED THE PLAYOFFS EVER AND HAVE PLAYED IN 4 NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP GAMES I REMEMBER. THEY WON TWO AND LOST TWO!!!!!! Still like it or not. Georgia beat them with half the offensive star out and a injured starting QB!!!! That Georgia defense held the normally super clemson offense to 3 points. A 3 they wouldn’t have without the REFS calling for them all night!!!!! PS. Still if the Ryan Day hype rain is broken down. Maybe we can get the Oregon hype train going. Mr kristalball or whatever his name is. The Oregon hype train is up and running straight for a crash!!!!! Go dawgs!!!! Negan
Florida is NOT WINNING A NATIONAL CHIAMPIONSHIP WHILE THE DAWGS ARE AROUND!!!!!! florida has a GOOD not great year last season...but the dawgs are coming to reclaim whats theyres....the EAST TITLE.... Mullen said he had 2 starters this season. Anthony Richardson will be overwhelmed vs Alabama and Emory Jones might throw 4 picks if not more!!! All Alabama needs to do is have their safeties play catch. And release a real SEC pass rush at them. Alabama isn’t even half the team they have been. Nope not yet! Still they are good enough to crush Florida!!!! Again be happy your not playing last year’s Alabama. Right now TODAY. Georgia would smoke either team!!!! I MEAN NOW! Not if Alabama gets better and back to their old level. Both teams best be glad they aren’t playing Georgia now!!!! AND GEORGIA STILL ISN’T CLOSE TO HEALTHY ON OFFENSE YET!!!! But we are slowly getting there!!!! Alabama wins big vs Florida. If not, forget about a repeat!!!!! Like I guaranteed. Georgia is winning the SEC in 2021!!!!! Ignore the guy who stole my other name. He is a wannabe. A pretender like the gators!!! LOL PS. Y’all enjoy our backups? Especially that backup TE I warned you all about!!! Keep watching. Negan
Every Georgia fan should have seen everything they ever want to see of Stetson Bennett vs Alabama and Florida. It’s those kind of teams we want the answer to from our backup!!! How is Carson Beck ever going to be ready and able to step in if needed. Unless he can get a little IN GAME ACTION!!! Stetson Bennett was a 5th string walk on last season. Considering what we now have Stetson Bennett should be no higher than 4th now!!!! You don’t put Stetson Bennett who proved he cannot be trusted vs better teams. Above a true 5 star Dual threat QB. One that has it in him to be another Trevor Lawrence! I’m referring to BROCK VANDAGRIFF!!!! He can be another Trevor Lawrence. Stetson Bennett can be another big loss mainly because of his little stature. He is billed at 5.11 or 6 feet even. He is more like Pushing 5.10!!!! And yes it matters!!!! You don’t want your QB1 having to throw high over the middle passes that become interceptions. Simply because he is not tall enough. Like Bryce Young from Alabama. Stetson Bennett is too small. He has to roll out of the pocket to complete an accurate pass. Unless it’s just a slant. Bryce Young does the same thing. Only he might be a hair taller, maybe. Still he is a 5 star with special skills!!! All you need to do to stop Stetson Bennett is be tall. Push the O line back a bit and put your hands up!!! You’ll accidentally bat down half his passes!!! Stetson Bennett is fine in practice to help prepare for mobile QBs!!! He is a perfect imitation of Baker Mayfield in a game of 2 hand touch!!!! If he would have lit it up vs Alabama and Florida and won either of those games. I’m sure JT Daniels never sees the field last season. BUT HE LOOKED LIKE WHAT HE IS VS BOTH TEAMS. Florida had a historically bad terrible embarrassment of a defense last season. Yet in the second half. They made Stetson Bennett look like a pony league QB running a big league offense. Yep there was right at 50% of the offense missing in that game. If you count Stetson Bennett. But still receivers were running WIDE OPEN ALL DAY FOR SCORES!!! YET STETSON BENNETT KEPT MISSING THEM!!! HE WAS EITHER THROWING HIGH BALLS DOWN THE MIDDLE THAT WERE PICKED OFF OR UNDERTHROWING OR HAVING IT BATTED DOWN. I BELIEVE A D LINEMAN BATTED THE BALL DOWN AND INTERCEPTED IT AT THE SAME TIME!!!! We all know that feeling. Because we have all played basketball with a child. We’ve just for fun put our hands up and tipped the ball they were shooting and took it away. We have all played football with children and family. And just put our hand in the air and tipped the football up and intercepted it. NOTICE HOW DOMINANT AND UNFAIR IT SEEMS??? SO OF COURSE EVENTUALLY WE LET THEM THROW. WE LET THEM WIN. TO BOOST THEIR CONFIDENCE!!! Nobody is going to feel bad or let us win!!!! No they are going to game plan for Stetson Bennett and make it look like child’s play to beat an otherwise elite football team!!!! ONCE WAS ALREADY TOO MUCH!!!! ONCE WAS JUST TOO MUCH BY A LOOOOOOOOONG SHOT FOR ME!!!!! One time of seeing Dan Mullen the clown jogging off with a victory. Hearing all his little remarks since.d Looking at his smiling face that I want to punch!!!! THAT WAS ALREADY WAY MORE THAN I CAN HANDLE!!!!! That happened because of 2 things. INJURIES TO 80% OF THE STARTING DEFENSE AND EVEN A BUNCH OF #2s!!! Losing George Pickens and 45% of the starting offense and a few #2s!!! AND PLAYING STETSON BENNETT!!!! I’M SORRY BUT I HAVE VERY LITTLE PATIENCE FOR GEORGIA FANS CALLING FOR STETSON BENNETT TO BE OUR #2 GUY!!!!! When the same defense that got eaten alive by anyone with a pulse last season. Makes our scout team and Stetson Bennett look like a typical scout team. That ticks me off!!!!! We at Georgia are used to having a scout team that can beat the majority of SEC TEAMS!!!! I can take losing and be a good spordt as long as I know that, A.) We have lost to a great team or B.) That we played our very best players!!!! And C.) I know it’s not Dan Mullen and the gators. Finally D.) We didn’t get CHEATED!!!!! Last season’s cocktail party checks none of those boxes!!!! A.) Florida was not a great team. I remind you they lost 4 games. It should have been 5. Speaking of 5. That is the number of touchdowns they lost by to OU!!!!!! B.) Stetson Bennett was NOT CLOSE TO BEING OUT BEST QB!!!!! Carson Beck or JT Daniels are both better!!!! C.) It was the unworthy gators coached by a clown. That is who we handed a victory. WE DID MORE TO BEAT OURSELVES THAN THEY DID!!! D) WE WERE ABSOLUTELY CHEATED!!!! WE WERE ROBBED!!!! BECAUSE WE CHEATED OURSELVES AND ROBBED OUR TEAM AND FANS OF ANOTHER SEC EAST CHAMPIONSHIP!!!!! For those reasons I cannot be a good sport!!!!! During Mullen’s press conferences. He was playing that STUPID GAME IN THE BACKGROUND. AS IF PEOPLE DON’T KNOW WHAT HE WAS DOING!!!! He was 0-2 against Kirby Smart and Georgia until then. Before the gators attempt to correct me. I’m referring to 2017 when Mississippi state was UNBEATEN AND FAVORED BY MANY TO BEAT GEORGIA. AFTER ALL A WEEK OR SO BEFORE THAT GAME. THEY TOTALLY DISMANTLED A RANKED LSU TEAM AND RAN THEM OFF THE FIELD!!!! Mullen strolled in ranked and unbeaten!!! He left with a big fat L!!! And it was a blowout!!!! Kirby Smart and Georgia blew Mullen off the field in 2017. In 2018 we won by 16 I think. We dominated them. I think that gators team finished 11-2? New years 6 bowl win I think. In 2019 it was a touchdown difference. Again Floriada finished 11-2 with another bowl win playing at home vs the MIGHTY UVA!!!! A healthy Georgia team with a QB destroys them last season. I have ZERO DOUBT!!!! So Georgia fans. Please unite in doing what is best for this team. That is being nice to Arik Gilbert and prayingd for him. Pray for the entire team and staff including Scott Cochrane!!!! And let’s put our voices together in unison. And scream! KIRBY PLEASE KEEP STETSON BENNETT ON THE BENCH!!!!!! KIRBY PLEASE WE BEG YOU. PLAY THE OTHER 02 QBS WHEN YOU HAVE A CHANCE!!!!! JAKE FROMM WAS A TRUE FRESHMAN WHEN HE LED US TO THE BEST EVER SEASON SINCE 1980!!!! So Brock Vandagriff is a TRUE FRESHMAN??? So what. Let’s say we didn’t have Carson Beck or JT DANIELS. Would we be handing the keys to Stetson Bennett??? I hope not.. Because I personally would TUNE OUT!!!!! I’m a super fan!!! If Brock Vandagriff was the only elite QB on the team. He would absolutely be starting!!!!!! Y’ALL NEED TO DEVELOP CARSON BECK AND BROCK VANDAGRIFF!!! Kirby, you have to developedd these guys in ACTUAL GAME SITUATIONS. DON’T FORGET ABOUT CROWD NOISE!! God forbid the starter is always a hit or one wrong move away from the backup starting. WE NEED THEM TO HAVE ALREADY TAKEN MEANINGFUL SNAPS AND NOT COME INTO A HUGE GAME. LIKE A DEER IN THE HEADLIGHTS!!!!!!! Tua had already come in and out all season before that national championship game!!! He is truly lucky that he didn’t cost the team a victory even if it was robbery. When he took that sack holding the ball in OT. Making it 2nd and 26. It’s only PURE LUCK that the receiver broke open. And was fast enough to run the ball down. He could have been picked off the next play. WE DON’T NEED THIS SEASON TO BE IN THE HANDS OF LUCK!!! Kirby please play Carson Beck and Brock Vandagriff.. Those are the guys you need to develop!!!! You already know who Stetson Bennett is and who he isn’t!!!!! You got brutally attacked for playing THE RIGHT QB WHILE JUSTIN FIELD’S TRANSFERRED TO EASY FOOTBALL!!!!! You were right then. I don’t even care what your seeing in practice. Because some QBs are just GAMERS!!!!!! That is a FACT. But God forbid we lose one of our better QBs to the portal because you wouldn’t play them in games like this or others. I WOULDN’T BLAME THEM A BIT!!! I know you think your protecting them. But push them out of the nest. You’ll see they can fly!!!! PS. Either way. If you play them and God forbid they stink it up You won’t need to argue with the media or fans.. They will call for Stetson Bennett in God forbid emergency situations!!! PLEASE KIRBY NO MORE STETSON BENNETT UNLESS IT CANNOT BE HELPED!!!!!!! Negan
FRIENDSHIPS end on the field....hope Kirby isn't thinking about taking it easy on someone he has a PAST with... But if JT Daniels is out...I HOPE that he doesn't put in Stetson Every Georgia fan should have seen everything they ever want to see of Stetson Bennett vs Alabama and Florida. It’s those kind of teams we want the answer to from our backup!!! How is Carson Beck ever going to be ready and able to step in if needed. Unless he can get a little IN GAME ACTION!!! Stetson Bennett was a 5th string walk on last season. Considering what we now have Stetson Bennett should be no higher than 4th now!!!! You don’t put Stetson Bennett who proved he cannot be trusted vs better teams. Above a true 5 star Dual threat QB. One that has it in him to be another Trevor Lawrence! I’m referring to BROCK VANDAGRIFF!!!! He can be another Trevor Lawrence. Stetson Bennett can be another big loss mainly because of his little stature. He is billed at 5.11 or 6 feet even. He is more like Pushing 5.10!!!! And yes it matters!!!! You don’t want your QB1 having to throw high over the middle passes that become interceptions. Simply because he is not tall enough. Like Bryce Young from Alabama. Stetson Bennett is too small. He has to roll out of the pocket to complete an accurate pass. Unless it’s just a slant. Bryce Young does the same thing. Only he might be a hair taller, maybe. Still he is a 5 star with special skills!!! All you need to do to stop Stetson Bennett is be tall. Push the O line back a bit and put your hands up!!! You’ll accidentally bat down half his passes!!! Stetson Bennett is fine in practice to help prepare for mobile QBs!!! He is a perfect imitation of Baker Mayfield in a game of 2 hand touch!!!! If he would have lit it up vs Alabama and Florida and won either of those games. I’m sure JT Daniels never sees the field last season. BUT HE LOOKED LIKE WHAT HE IS VS BOTH TEAMS. Florida had a historically bad terrible embarrassment of a defense last season. Yet in the second half. They made Stetson Bennett look like a pony league QB running a big league offense. Yep there was right at 50% of the offense missing in that game. If you count Stetson Bennett. But still receivers were running WIDE OPEN ALL DAY FOR SCORES!!! YET STETSON BENNETT KEPT MISSING THEM!!! HE WAS EITHER THROWING HIGH BALLS DOWN THE MIDDLE THAT WERE PICKED OFF OR UNDERTHROWING OR HAVING IT BATTED DOWN. I BELIEVE A D LINEMAN BATTED THE BALL DOWN AND INTERCEPTED IT AT THE SAME TIME!!!! We all know that feeling. Because we have all played basketball with a child. We’ve just for fun put our hands up and tipped the ball they were shooting and took it away. We have all played football with children and family. And just put our hand in the air and tipped the football up and intercepted it. NOTICE HOW DOMINANT AND UNFAIR IT SEEMS??? SO OF COURSE EVENTUALLY WE LET THEM THROW. WE LET THEM WIN. TO BOOST THEIR CONFIDENCE!!! Nobody is going to feel bad or let us win!!!! No they are going to game plan for Stetson Bennett and make it look like child’s play to beat an otherwise elite football team!!!! ONCE WAS ALREADY TOO MUCH!!!! ONCE WAS JUST TOO MUCH BY A LOOOOOOOOONG SHOT FOR ME!!!!! One time of seeing Dan Mullen the clown jogging off with a victory. Hearing all his little remarks since.d Looking at his smiling face that I want to punch!!!! THAT WAS ALREADY WAY MORE THAN I CAN HANDLE!!!!! That happened because of 2 things. INJURIES TO 80% OF THE STARTING DEFENSE AND EVEN A BUNCH OF #2s!!! Losing George Pickens and 45% of the starting offense and a few #2s!!! AND PLAYING STETSON BENNETT!!!! I’M SORRY BUT I HAVE VERY LITTLE PATIENCE FOR GEORGIA FANS CALLING FOR STETSON BENNETT TO BE OUR #2 GUY!!!!! When the same defense that got eaten alive by anyone with a pulse last season. Makes our scout team and Stetson Bennett look like a typical scout team. That ticks me off!!!!! We at Georgia are used to having a scout team that can beat the majority of SEC TEAMS!!!! I can take losing and be a good spordt as long as I know that, A.) We have lost to a great team or B.) That we played our very best players!!!! And C.) I know it’s not Dan Mullen and the gators. Finally D.) We didn’t get CHEATED!!!!! Last season’s cocktail party checks none of those boxes!!!! A.) Florida was not a great team. I remind you they lost 4 games. It should have been 5. Speaking of 5. That is the number of touchdowns they lost by to OU!!!!!! B.) Stetson Bennett was NOT CLOSE TO BEING OUT BEST QB!!!!! Carson Beck or JT Daniels are both better!!!! C.) It was the unworthy gators coached by a clown. That is who we handed a victory. WE DID MORE TO BEAT OURSELVES THAN THEY DID!!! D) WE WERE ABSOLUTELY CHEATED!!!! WE WERE ROBBED!!!! BECAUSE WE CHEATED OURSELVES AND ROBBED OUR TEAM AND FANS OF ANOTHER SEC EAST CHAMPIONSHIP!!!!! For those reasons I cannot be a good sport!!!!! During Mullen’s press conferences. He was playing that STUPID GAME IN THE BACKGROUND. AS IF PEOPLE DON’T KNOW WHAT HE WAS DOING!!!! He was 0-2 against Kirby Smart and Georgia until then. Before the gators attempt to correct me. I’m referring to 2017 when Mississippi state was UNBEATEN AND FAVORED BY MANY TO BEAT GEORGIA. AFTER ALL A WEEK OR SO BEFORE THAT GAME. THEY TOTALLY DISMANTLED A RANKED LSU TEAM AND RAN THEM OFF THE FIELD!!!! Mullen strolled in ranked and unbeaten!!! He left with a big fat L!!! And it was a blowout!!!! Kirby Smart and Georgia blew Mullen off the field in 2017. In 2018 we won by 16 I think. We dominated them. I think that gators team finished 11-2? New years 6 bowl win I think. In 2019 it was a touchdown difference. Again Floriada finished 11-2 with another bowl win playing at home vs the MIGHTY UVA!!!! A healthy Georgia team with a QB destroys them last season. I have ZERO DOUBT!!!! So Georgia fans. Please unite in doing what is best for this team. That is being nice to Arik Gilbert and prayingd for him. Pray for the entire team and staff including Scott Cochrane!!!! And let’s put our voices together in unison. And scream! KIRBY PLEASE KEEP STETSON BENNETT ON THE BENCH!!!!!! KIRBY PLEASE WE BEG YOU. PLAY THE OTHER 02 QBS WHEN YOU HAVE A CHANCE!!!!! JAKE FROMM WAS A TRUE FRESHMAN WHEN HE LED US TO THE BEST EVER SEASON SINCE 1980!!!! So Brock Vandagriff is a TRUE FRESHMAN??? So what. Let’s say we didn’t have Carson Beck or JT DANIELS. Would we be handing the keys to Stetson Bennett??? I hope not.. Because I personally would TUNE OUT!!!!! I’m a super fan!!! If Brock Vandagriff was the only elite QB on the team. He would absolutely be starting!!!!!! Y’ALL NEED TO DEVELOP CARSON BECK AND BROCK VANDAGRIFF!!! Kirby, you have to developedd these guys in ACTUAL GAME SITUATIONS. DON’T FORGET ABOUT CROWD NOISE!! God forbid the starter is always a hit or one wrong move away from the backup starting. WE NEED THEM TO HAVE ALREADY TAKEN MEANINGFUL SNAPS AND NOT COME INTO A HUGE GAME. LIKE A DEER IN THE HEADLIGHTS!!!!!!! Tua had already come in and out all season before that national championship game!!! He is truly lucky that he didn’t cost the team a victory even if it was robbery. When he took that sack holding the ball in OT. Making it 2nd and 26. It’s only PURE LUCK that the receiver broke open. And was fast enough to run the ball down. He could have been picked off the next play. WE DON’T NEED THIS SEASON TO BE IN THE HANDS OF LUCK!!! Kirby please play Carson Beck and Brock Vandagriff.. Those are the guys you need to develop!!!! You already know who Stetson Bennett is and who he isn’t!!!!! You got brutally attacked for playing THE RIGHT QB WHILE JUSTIN FIELD’S TRANSFERRED TO EASY FOOTBALL!!!!! You were right then. I don’t even care what your seeing in practice. Because some QBs are just GAMERS!!!!!! That is a FACT. But God forbid we lose one of our better QBs to the portal because you wouldn’t play them in games like this or others. I WOULDN’T BLAME THEM A BIT!!! I know you think your protecting them. But push them out of the nest. You’ll see they can fly!!!! PS. Either way. If you play them and God forbid they stink it up You won’t need to argue with the media or fans.. They will call for Stetson Bennett in God forbid emergency situations!!! PLEASE KIRBY NO MORE STETSON BENNETT UNLESS IT CANNOT BE HELPED!!!!!!! Negan
LSU = PAST UGA = FUTURE you had ONE GOOD Year with swamp thing as coach...but the chickens are coming home to reuast!!!! If we see you in the SEC championship again (dont worry, you wont be there!!!) youll get your teeth kncoked out..... Your a relic of a bygone era...the LSU ERROR Negan
I'll give you something to borrow.... Negan
WELP YOU DROPPED BY....Seems i live in your head RENT FREE... GEAUX PUT THAT IN YOURE PIPE and smoak cajun! Negan
More like TL:CR.... Too long: CAN'T READ because your the LESSER BULLDAWG!!! Negan
Joe burrow is a LITTLE TOO SLICK for his own good. THe NFL is a different BEAST than beating CLEMSON. ONE good YEAR in LSU doesn't mean you made it young man. Too much entitlemtn form that generation...the snowflake generation if you
OUR defense should score 32 points by themselves lol!!!! LET the big dawgs EAT!!!!! time for some CHICKEN!!!! Negan
BAMA BOWL..... WHEN YOU HAVE TWO BAMA QUARTERBACKS...WHO DO THE REFS FAVOR?!??!?!??!?!!?!? LOL Both were OK TODAY, but without the zebra PEOPLE on their side...they cant PAD THEIR STATS like normal... Your time is coming GUMPS Negan
DEFENSE WINS CHAMPIONSHIPS.....BUt a BAD offense can LOOSE a championship... WE NEED TO PICK UP... UAB is NOT GOOD. BLOWING THEM OUT IS WHAT IS EXPECTED!!!! RAISE YOUR STANDARDS PEOPLE. "he previous year, UAB’s president, Ray Watts, commissioned an outside firm to review the school’s athletic finances. The firm, CarrSports Consulting, recommended that UAB nix some sports: football, bowling, and rifle. So the football team went away, with Watts letting the team know during a gut-wrenching, angry meeting" Theyre program was cancelled along with BOWLING. WE NEED OUR YOUNGER QBS TO GET EXPERIENCE!!!!!!! Negan
I dont think WELL need our first string QB...but STILL Every Georgia fan should have seen everything they ever want to see of Stetson Bennett vs Alabama and Florida. It’s those kind of teams we want the answer to from our backup!!! How is Carson Beck ever going to be ready and able to step in if needed. Unless he can get a little IN GAME ACTION!!! Stetson Bennett was a 5th string walk on last season. Considering what we now have Stetson Bennett should be no higher than 4th now!!!! You don’t put Stetson Bennett who proved he cannot be trusted vs better teams. Above a true 5 star Dual threat QB. One that has it in him to be another Trevor Lawrence! I’m referring to BROCK VANDAGRIFF!!!! He can be another Trevor Lawrence. Stetson Bennett can be another big loss mainly because of his little stature. He is billed at 5.11 or 6 feet even. He is more like Pushing 5.10!!!! And yes it matters!!!! You don’t want your QB1 having to throw high over the middle passes that become interceptions. Simply because he is not tall enough. Like Bryce Young from Alabama. Stetson Bennett is too small. He has to roll out of the pocket to complete an accurate pass. Unless it’s just a slant. Bryce Young does the same thing. Only he might be a hair taller, maybe. Still he is a 5 star with special skills!!! All you need to do to stop Stetson Bennett is be tall. Push the O line back a bit and put your hands up!!! You’ll accidentally bat down half his passes!!! Stetson Bennett is fine in practice to help prepare for mobile QBs!!! He is a perfect imitation of Baker Mayfield in a game of 2 hand touch!!!! If he would have lit it up vs Alabama and Florida and won either of those games. I’m sure JT Daniels never sees the field last season. Negan
WON'T BE LONG until URban LIAR fakes another heart attack and "retires" aka sits behind a cushy commentators desk.... UGA Nearly broke him in 2007 by celebrating a little too hard in the endzone...SNOWFLAKE MUCH???? He will QUIT... He WILL lose!!!! Calling it here hindsight is 20/20 Negan
AND one more thing Mr.LIE....... If you want to talk that tuff STUFF in person..... LEMME KNOW....ILL BE YOUR HUCKLEBERRY!!!!!! Ive challenged mutliple people to a boxing match..... Nobody can accuse me of backing up or picking on the little guy. I have challenged several people I don’t care for to step into a ring and BOX 3 ROUNDS!!!! I challenged them PUBLICLY!!! They include but are not limited to Mike Tyson, Scott Steiner and a bunch of others. I don’t like the way Scott Steiner publicly challenged Hulk Hogan. After assaulting his new wife. He knows Terry/Hogan is retired and can barely move. He knows he has had spinal infusion done. Along with multiple other surgeries. He offered a million dollars of his own money if Hogan would get in the ring and attempt to slam him. Yet he knows Hogan is no longer able to do those things. This is not the usual fake wrestling promo either. It is very real. His intent was simply to degrade Hogan and make him look small in front of his wife!!!! Scott Steiner is a bully and a loud mouth. SO I SENT HIM A MESSAGE. I ADMITTED I KNOW NOTHING ABOUT WRESTLING. BUT IF HE WAS MAN ENOUGH TO PUT THAT MILLION UP IN A BOXING RING. THAT ILL BE HAPPY TO FIGHT HIM!!!! I’ve never boxed in a ring ever! I’m not in as good of shape as he is and I’m probably older. All my boxing was bear knuckles outside of a ring. I gave Tyson a public challenge as well. I said I would fight him FREE!!!! And I would. Negan
GEORGIA IS GOING ALL THE WAY!!!!!!!!!!!! MARK MY WORDS!!!! OREGON is not the real deal!!!!! I called this in 2014 when they GOT crushed by OHIO STATE!!! OHIO STATE IS WAAAAAAY OVERRATED! They dont have urban LIAR Anymore!!!! Negan