
ten fingers , eleven toes just like everyone else.

Recent Comments
How many people actually went to the OAN site, or Liz Wheeler's page and actually looked up the context of what she was saying? I don't need an actual number, as that's rhetorical-- but now that is in your head, and maybe you want to... Or, be like Finebaum and "read enough about it" to form an uneducated perspective.
Maybe not in the top 10, but I think Nick Fitzgerald and Aeris Willams both hit 1000+ this coming season.
The grammar nazi is apparently trying to correct the lower case "y" I suppose. Let us never mind the fact a fragmented sentence was used to do this.
Yea. Manziel had 13 ints and won the Heisman. So 10 won't be the breaking I'm not saying he doesn't need some Herculean last two games, but it's still in the realm of possibility.
Malarchy. Belk Bowl last year was UNC and Cincinatti