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Mississippi State Bulldogs

Pineapple on pizza? Mike Leach has some thoughts, naturally

Keith Farner

By Keith Farner


Mississippi State coach Mike Leach has carried his non-football question-and-answer series to Starkville. Long known for his detailed and thorough answers of all things in history, life and culture, Leach opened up about a popular and somewhat controversial food topic.

Do you like pineapple on pizza?

“I’m against it,” Leach said. “I’m staunchly opposed. It’s my mom’s favorite kind of pizza, ham and pineapple.”

Turns out, it’s nothing against pineapple. Leach said he loves pineapple, and eats more of it than most people. He’s even grown pineapple.

“Turns out you twist the top off, stick it in the ground and it will grow for you,” he said.

It’s a conflict, in his mind.

“It’s a mixed metaphor, you’re either eating pineapple, or you’re eating pizza, make up your mind,” Leach said. “I think that’s for indecisive people.”

It may be too early to tell if Leach has found his favorite pizza joint in the Starkville area, but at least we now know which toppings he won’t order.

This isn’t the first time Leach has discussed food. He once had a Thanksgiving disaster that began with a plastic kitchen tool from his wife, and ended up with a mess in his neighbor’s yard.

Keith Farner

A former newspaper veteran, Keith Farner is a news manager for Saturday Down South.

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