We might be an SEC football-focused site, but that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy some college basketball (and by college basketball we mean the utter destruction and mayhem that is this play).

There are so many elements that make this great:

  • The way the Utah player’s body flops in such a way that screams, “please call a foul so I don’t have to hear about this forever!
  • The way Kansas State’s Brandon Bolden looks back after the block as if to say, “did I just kill him? Nope? Ok, cool. DON’T DISRESPECT ME!
  • The life lesson that no matter how bad your day is, I’m 99% sure it’s not just-got-destroyed-on-television-and-will-never-live-this-down bad.
  • The “oooohhhh” from the crowd that sounds half amused, half concerned for the Utah player’s life.


Welcome back, college basketball!