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SEC Football

Report: NCAA decision makers ‘recommending a mandatory 14-week football season’

William McFadden

By William McFadden


The NCAA Convention is currently underway in Nashville, Tenn., and there are some interesting propositions on the table.

One such matter that is being discussed is the Division I college football schedule and any possible alterations that would benefit teams and student-athletes moving forward.

According to USA TODAY Sports’ Dan Wolken, the D-I Council, a governing committee comprised of high-ranking officials from individual universities, is in favor of implementing a mandatory 14-week football schedule.

The proposed schedule would add an additional week to the regular season, but it would also give teams two bye weeks instead of one. Instead of lengthening the schedule into December, which would create problems with schools and finals, it appears the council is recommending that the season start one week earlier.

This seems to be a proposal that the council is in favor of and wants to get pushed through sooner rather than later.

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