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Miami Hurricanes

Desmond Howard names college football’s biggest ‘sleeper’ team

Ethan Stone

By Ethan Stone


First Take personality Desmond Howard named college football’s biggest sleeper team Thursday afternoon.

“I like the Miami Hurricanes…I believe that the ACC is wide open,” Howard said. “You look at Clemson, they didn’t dominate like they used to… Mario, he got the boosters to open up the checkbook, I was at spring practice. They’ve got an All-Star coaching staff.”

Howard named a myriad of All-Star players and coaches on staff for the Hurricanes next season, including Kevin Steele, Charlie Strong, Ed Reed, Jason Taylor. He believes that paired with the recruiting tear Cristobal has been on lately will propel the Hurricanes to the top.

Miami also has a rising star at the quarterback position, relying on sophomore signal caller Tyler Van Dyke to run a talented unit of Frank Ladson from Clemson and 33-catch Key’Shawn Smith from last season.

Ethan Stone

Ethan Stone is a Tennessee graduate and loves all things college football and college basketball. Firm believer in fouling while up 3.

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