Believe it or not, not everyone who was a part of UCF’s undefeated 2017 season was willing to claim the team was “national champs.”

Former UCF offensive coordinator Troy Walters followed Scott Frost to Nebraska at the end of the 2017 season. Walters just received his “2017 National Champions” ring from UCF.

Only he wasn’t willing to call it that:

You’ll notice that Walters only said “PEACH BOWL & AAC CHAMPIONSHIP” and not “NATIONAL CHAMPIONS.”

After some UCF fans chirped Walters about not being on board with the “national champions” association, he had a follow-up tweet about why he didn’t buy into his former team’s claim.

“Personally and professionally speaking, I am a national champion when I win the National championship game. I wish we could have had this opportunity because we were playing at a high level. If someone else wants to proclaim and pay me as a national champion, then that’s on them.”

He also added this:

Walters was a finalist for the Broyles Award last year as one of the nation’s top assistants. Certainly he has no reason to have anything but respect for UCF and the run he was a part of.

And needless to say, Alabama fans probably like him right now more than UCF fans.