Bear Bryant is arguably the most beloved figure in all of Alabama football history. However, it appears he had one deep dark secret.

He’s a Johnny Manziel fan – at least according to this photo.

One would assume this is a revenge tactic for the Alabama flag that was planted by a construction worker during stadium renovations at Texas A&M’s Kyle Field. However, I’m sure Alabama fans will not take kindly to the fact that their beloved Bear Bryant statue has been defaced with none other than a Johnny ‘Football’ jersey.

No official word yet on if an all-out war has been declared between Texas A&M and Alabama, but this is about as close as you can get.

Give credit to the Texas A&M fan for knowing where to really cut into the heart of all Alabama fans.

The two teams will be able to settle this on the football field on Oct. 18 in Tuscaloosa, Ala.