“Johnny Football” is back in an NFL stadium.

Not as a player, but rather as a spectator.

The former Texas A&M quarterback took to Snapchat on Sunday night — posting a video of himself outside of Gillette Stadium in Foxborough for the AFC Championship game between the New England Patriots and the Pittsburgh Steelers:


Based upon his attire, it appears as if Manziel is rooting for the Patriots and Tom Brady to win the contest. The former Heisman Trophy winner recently admitted that he’s sober — with the hopes of continuing a professional career.

A few days ago, Manziel sent this message to ESPN:

“I refuse to let my entire life of sports from the age of 4 be squandered by partying. I just got sick of it. One day I didn’t like what I saw in the mirror and realized I could really help people in the position I’m in. I love sports, I love football and when you take something away from yourself you realize it the hard way. The happiness from doing it sober has been ASTRONOMICAL. Beyond my wildest imagination and once that continued other good things started happening in my life and it just clicked.”

Watching the brilliance of Brady in person may help to motivate him even further.