Unfortunately, it appears the deaths of Rod and Paula Bramblett could have been completely avoided.

The unnamed 16-year-old responsible for crashing into Rod and Paula Bramblett’s vehicle has told authorities in Auburn that he fell asleep behind the wheel of his Jeep Laredo before slamming into the back of the Bramblett’s Toyota Highlander, according to Carol Robinson of AL.com. The accident occurred on Shug Jordan Parkway in Auburn.

Police have ruled out the use of a cell phone or alcohol as a cause of the accident.

Following the tragedy, Auburn created the Rod and Paula Bramblett Family Memorial Fund to help their children, Shelby and Joshua. Shelby is currently an Auburn student while Joshua is currently in high school. If you would like to contribute to the fund, information regarding the fund can be found here: https://www.gofundme.com/rod-and-paula-bramblett-family-memorial-fund