Washington State coach Mike Leach’s stories about everyday life are often more entertaining than his thoughts about football. Thanksgiving is no exception.

Leach opened with a story about a plastic kitchen tool that his wife bought. That was the first problem because Leach said he believes, in regards to plastic in the kitchen, “few things could be more useless.”

“First of all, it’s way too small,” Leach said. “… Then the thing exploded and got all over my shirt. One, I was ticked off, she handed me, I wanted to do it how I always do it, right?”

Then his wife chimed in.

“‘No, no, use this, use this, I bought this,” he recalled her saying. “This is really good, no this will make it a lot easier.’ Well, it’s not that hard to begin with, so it doesn’t have to be a lot easier.”

That was the last straw, so Leach went out on his patio.

“I rifled it into the neighbor’s yard and the last time I saw that thing, it exploded on the side of the neighbor’s house,” he said with a chuckle. “I never saw that thing again. I’m glad I never saw it again and I don’t know what the neighbor did with it. It was kind of cold outside and I thought it was probably best I didn’t go talk to him and ask him about it.”

Here’s video of the story from Alyssa Charlston of KXLY-4: