Apparently, it just means more masks in the SEC.

The league used its trademarked phrase to issue its support for fans to wear masks as positive COVID cases continue to rise across the country.

This comes after SEC Commissioner Greg Sankey issued his concern over the weekend that the season may be able to be played due to the growing concerns surrounding the coronavirus:

“We put a medical advisory group together in early April with the question ‘What do we have to do to get back to activity?’ and they’ve been a big part of the conversation. But, the direct reality is not good and the notion that we’ve politicized medical guidance of distancing, and breathing masks, and hand sanitization, ventilation of being outside, being careful where you are in buildings. There’s some very clear advice about — you can’t mitigate and eliminate every risk but how do you minimize the risk?… We are running out of time to correct and get things right and as a society, we owe it to each other to be as healthy as we can be.”

You can check out the video below courtesy of the SEC: