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College Football

Stephen F Austin piles on, beats NAIA opponent by eye-opening margin

Ethan Stone

By Ethan Stone


Stephen F Austin head coach Colby Carthel must have a vendetta against NAIA Warner.

The Lumberjacks thoroughly humiliated Warner Saturday night, scoring 98 points to win 98-0. The Lumberjacks scored 13 total touchdowns, 2 field goal and a safety.

 That is an eye-opening margin. Would you believe it if I said they had a chance to crack 100?

For those wondering, Saturday’s 98-0 whipping is not the largest margin of victory in college football, and it’s not particularly close either. In 1916, Georgia Tech beat Cumberland University 222-0 for what still stands as the largest margin of victory in the college game.

I don’t see that changing any time soon.

Ethan Stone

Ethan Stone is a Tennessee graduate and loves all things college football and college basketball. Firm believer in fouling while up 3.

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