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Kentucky Wildcats

Kentucky decides to walk out of practice in support of national protests

Keith Farner

By Keith Farner


Kentucky players have reportedly walked out of practice in solidarity with other protests around the country following racial unrest following the shooting of Jacob Blake in Wisconsin.

Several SEC coaches have been asked about the protests around the country, which included multiple pro sports leagues calling off games since Wednesday, including the NBA which was the first, but has since said the season would resume. The NHL and Major League Baseball also called off all or some of their games as players decided to take a stand.

Kentucky is believed to be the first SEC team to have players walk out of a practice, though virtually every SEC head coach in recent days has talked about the need for more conversation and education about the topic.

Asked about his players not practicing as a way to protest, Florida coach Dan Mullen responded.

“Our guys love football…but I think they are very conscious of using their platform to do it,” he said. “We had a great discussion about it after practice today, and I think we’ll have more.”

Update: Kentucky has confirmed the Wildcats via an official release

“I can confirm the Kentucky Football team decided to leave the practice field and are meeting right now to discuss more ways to promote their influence and be a part of effective change.”

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Keith Farner

A former newspaper veteran, Keith Farner is a news manager for Saturday Down South.

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