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LSU Tigers

Former Alabama staffer August Mangin hired at LSU

SDS Staff

By SDS Staff


It didn’t take August Mangin long to resurface on the coaching carousel.

Mangin spent last season on Nick Saban’s staff at Alabama as a special teams analyst, and he has now been hired at LSU as a defensive analyst, per LSU’s staff directory and Mangin’s Twitter bio.

Mangin, the former walk-on played at LSU from 2005-09, helped the Tigers win the 2007 BCS National Championship as a fullback and special teams player. He spent two seasons (2012-13) on LSU’s staff under Les Miles. He also worked at Northwestern State for four seasons prior to his stop at Alabama in 2018 coordinating the special teams.

“August is a young guy who makes an impression on you,” said former Northwestern State coach Jay Thomas when Mangin was hired in 2014. “When I was here as an assistant and he was a graduate assistant (in 2011), you knew he had something special about him. He went back to LSU and really progressed as a coach. Coach Miles didn’t want to lose him, and they made a great effort to keep him in Baton Rouge, but the opportunity we have here was fortunately good enough for him to come back on board with the Demons. He’s going to develop into a rising star in our business.”

Ed Orgeron has added two analysts to his staff this week: Mangin and Mark Hutson.

SDS Staff

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