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LSU Tigers

Jamal Adams apologizes for actions in Monday’s game

Crissy Froyd

By Crissy Froyd


Jamal Adams could reportedly face consequences for his actions toward an unaffiliated neurotrauma consultant when he was taken out of Monday’s contest after suffering a concerning hit.

Adams has made clear that he does not feel like he was fully himself after it occurred, issuing an apology and expressing gratitude for the amount of understanding he feels her was shown in the situation.

“First and foremost, I want to apologize to the OG. You did everything right when you realized I was concussed, I apologize for any negative energy I brought your way,” Adams wrote on social media.

“Watching the replay, I am thankful for your patience knowing I wasn’t myself in that moment. You’re a real one and you serve a great purpose that benefits the NFL and so many players. Prioritizing player’s health is essential. Much respect to you!”

The potential discipline Adams could have to take due to what happened has been met with widespread controversy, with many arguing that one cannot reasonably discipline a player who was not in his right mind after a brain injury like this.

It will be interesting to watch the situation play out with some expectation that the NFL will let this one go due to the way it occurred.

Crissy Froyd

Crissy covers SEC football news for Saturday Down South.

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