The NCAA has extended its investigation into LSU athletics.

Wilson Alexander of The Advocate reports that the NCAA was scheduled to complete its investigation of alleged violations by the LSU men’s basketball and football programs by July 31, but the deadline was extended.

The investigation was previously referred to the Independent Accountability Review Process due to its complexity. LSU requested a separation of the football and basketball cases, which was denied by the NCAA.

Pre The Advocate, the IARP’s complex case unit and LSU had agreed upon a completion date of July 31. LSU spokesperson Ernie Ballard told Alexander that the completion date had been extended and that the investigation is still ongoing.

The Advocate article states that once the investigation is completed, the complex case unit will have 60 days to issue LSU a notice of allegations. After that, the case will be heard by a review panel. The panel’s decisions and penalties levied are final and cannot be appealed.

Will Wade’s contract states the LSU men’s basketball coach can be fired for cause if the program receives a notice of allegations for either a Level 1 or Level 2 violation.