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Missouri Tigers

LOOK: Missouri purchases “Make It Right” billboards across the state in response to NCAA penalties

Michael Wayne Bratton

By Michael Wayne Bratton


Missouri continues to do everything in its power to let Tiger fans know the school isn’t accepting the NCAA penalties without a fight.

If you somehow missed the story, the NCAA’s Committee on Infractions has imposed a one-year bowl ban on the football program for the 2019 season in addition to imposing several recruiting restrictions on the football program dating back to relatively minor academic misconduct stemming from a single tutor doing work for athletes. Missouri worked with the NCAA in its investigation into the academic misconduct charges against the school and admitted wrongdoing had occurred by the tutor but claims the school was unaware of the activity when it occurred.

Because Missouri is on a one-year bowl ban, all seniors are allowed to transfer from the program and gain eligibility immediately without having to sit out a season. So far, not a single player has exercised his right to do that since news of the penalties were handed down.

Missouri is currently appealing the NCAA penalties, which is how the “Make It Right” slogan was born. The slogan is now somewhat of a rallying cry for the fan base. Clearly, the school is using that to its advantage this offseason.

The school’s official football Twitter account shared the following “Make It Right” billboards that have gone up across the state.

in St. Louis:

in Kansas City:

Michael Wayne Bratton

A graduate of the University of Tennessee, Michael Wayne Bratton oversees the news coverage for Saturday Down South. Michael previously worked for FOX Sports and

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