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Ole Miss Rebels

ESPN’s Michael Wilbon unloads on Lane Kiffin’s transfer idea

Keith Farner

By Keith Farner


Ole Miss coach Lane Kiffin is no stranger to national spotlight, and he’s sure kicked up another dose of discussion with his latest comments about college athletes transferring.

Kiffin believes that athletes who are in conferences that are not playing this fall should be able to transfer and be immediately eligible to play at another school. That drew the ire of at least one ESPN broadcaster this week.

“I have never agreed with anything Lane Kiffin has said and I’m glad to have consistency on this here program today,” ESPN’s Michael Wilbon said on Pardon the Interruption. “The notion that that kid may be a student too, these coaches now, more than ever are looking like liars. … Lane Kiffin doesn’t give a damn about the student part. … These coaches want these guys to be pros, except they’re not getting paid.”

Wilbon added that, “You cannot listen to Lane Kiffin when it comes to the notion of anything academic.”

Co-host Tony Kornheiser said he agrees with Kiffin, and that while it is self-serving, it could also be a correct point of view.

“They didn’t choose a school because of the chemistry program, they chose a school to play football,” he said.

Kornheiser put the problem with the NCAA because it has a lack of a national, coherent policy, “the same way with the virus.”

The comments start at about the 7:00 mark of the below video:

Keith Farner

A former newspaper veteran, Keith Farner is a news manager for Saturday Down South.

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