Lane Kiffin revealed in his postgame press conference that an Ole Miss player was spit on by a Texas Tech player during Wednesday night’s Texas Bowl game.

Kiffin said it happened during the scrum after a fumble.

“And we’re yelling at our players, and their coaches are taking their No. 11 (Texas Tech’s Dimitri Moore) off the field, screaming at him, because he spit on our player,” Kiffin said. “And so the side judge on my side says to me, ‘Listen, their 11,’ and he actually points that way, ‘Their 11, going to be ejected, your 71 (Ole Miss lineman Jayden Williams), fought back, so he is going to get a penalty too.

“Then all of a sudden, they announce our 11. Well, our 11 was Jordan Watkins who wasn’t in the fight. It was their 11 fighting 71 that everybody knew because their own coaches were yelling at the guy. There was a racial slur involved. That’s not the point of what we’re talking about, about the spitting part and the penalty that was said.”

Kiffin continued, describing Williams’ reaction to the incident.

“So look, I brought our own 71 up to the officials and said, right or wrong, do you see him crying? He is not crying because he spit on him,” the Ole Miss coach said. “He is crying because he got spit on and something was said. It just didn’t make any sense. It was really poor to have that many officials that communicate. They all have these wires in and all talk, and they did a great job on some other ones of getting them right, but that’s not good.

“You talk about spitting on people and calling the wrong No. 11 who if you meet Jordan Watkins, Jordan Watkins isn’t doing that if you know him. He is the receiver. He isn’t in a fight with the defensive lineman or the left tackle.”

On a follow-up question about the slur, Kiffin said he could not describe it because he did not hear it himself.

“I’m not going to because I did not hear it say that happened for sure that he gave a racial slur to our player,” Kiffin told reporters. “I’m told that was said in that, but I did not hear that. So that would obviously be a giant issue.”

Kiffin said the incident came up in the postgame handshake:

I talked to their head coach afterwards. He was like: ‘Crazy officiating out there.’ I go: ‘Yeah, that was really bad on that one that your guy spit and our guy got the penalty.’ He was like: ‘Yeah, I know.'”