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Another Saturday is in the books, and LSU and Auburn fans were dealt some tough losses. As we opened up the fan rant line, we collected some passionate rants.
Each rant contained varying levels of emotion ranging from team pride to utter meltdowns. Here are fan rants from SEC fans grouped together into 10 stages of loss and grief.
1. Proud of Team
Kudos to the fans that praise their team even after the team blows a game in a most unacceptable manner.
LSU stood toe to toe with Alabama and most of the game was winning. This is a Freshman team and showed incredible promise against a top 3 team. Keep up the fight LSU.
Bottom line….protect the ball! Defend the damn pass! Sad when a true freshman picks u apart! But….WAR DAMN EAGLE now and forever
Pissed off doesn’t really cover it, I’m afraid.I think I’m more disappointed that the team didn’t take care of the problems we’ve had for the past few games. The penalties have killed us! That shows such a lack of focus. What’s wrong with Marshsl? He’s such a talent and we’ve been so proud of him..but he doesn’t seem to be warmed up until the 3rd or 4th quarter and our defense is having some major problems with assignments! The season is not over, boys…please let’s see some improvement in the next games. Let’s see you blow GA and AL off the field! You guys are champs and we love you!!
I’m not really all that pissed off after my team lost earlier tonight, Geaux Tigers, it’s just that each year the Alabama game is the biggest game for me and no matter where the two teams are ranked it’s still a huge game. Even if Alabama is #1 and LSU is un-ranked it has no meaning in this rivalry game. What really gets to me though is that with these two teams play there is an unusual amount of star sportsmanship, you see players from opposing teams checking on members of the opposite team when there is an injury, players helping up opposing players, laughing with each other, patting each other on the helmets and backs, and coaches smiling after the game. I’ve really never seen this from any other two teams in college football and I’m not that mad that we were beaten by what I’d say is the best team in the country right now with one of the greatest, most re spectful coaches of our time, Nick Saban. I look forward to this game every year and hope that it stays this way for years to come. As always, Geaux Tigers!
2. Calmly Suggest Improvements
While the points made are fairly obvious, we appreciate your ability to offer suggestions without losing your cool.
The Auburn secondary should learn to tackle.
Why can’t Auburn defense be fixed?????? Ellis Johnson and the other defensive coaches are supposed (?) to be some of the better defensive coaches in the SEC. They are an embarrassment to the program at AU. This is being said on many sites and in many comments. It is disgusting to watch. The offense can not stay on the field for the entire game. Johnson either needs to get off his A.S and do something or he needs to go. I graduated in 1966, love AU with my heart, but this is horrible to watch. The offense has been asked to do it ALL. Gus, you need to address the issues and fix the problem. The talent is there; do something with it!!!!!
Defense were missing assignments it seemed every down. They played a soft zone while playing 10 yards off the recievers. Notice every time they lined up A&M used slant hot routes and got 6-7 yards every play? That was the most frustrating to watch. Second, why didn’t we just hand the ball off to CAP on the one yard line? I might be mistaken, it could have been a blown play, but it should have been an easy 6 and we should’ve had the lead within the last minute. 3rd another heartbreaker.. Dismukes snaps the ball when Marshall was getting a signal change from the sideline… These guys are veterans and shouldn’t be making these careless errors. It’s not 2010 no more. We can’t let teams score 30+ a game and expect it to be a shoot out win. Overall I’m pissed, but we still have games against Georgia and Alabama. We can pull it together and make this another memora ble season. We just need Mississippi State to mess up. War Eagle till I die. Let’s fix these careless mistakes and start playing dominant ball on both sides!
3. The “We Should Have Won” Guy
This guy exists after every game in every sport.
Everyone in the world who somewhat understands college football knows Auburn should have won! Not only was the best wide receiver in the country, Duke Williams, injured, but Auburn fumbled twice in the last three minutes! Once, Nick fumbled it two yards from the goal line, and the other time, Reese Dismukes gave Texas A&M a gift when Auburn was well in Daniel Carlson’s field goal range! Now, all of those Bammers get to run there mouth and think they are something because they beat LSU in OT. News Flash: Auburn beat LSU by 34, and Auburn will be ready for the Iron Bowl. Even though Auburn will not make it to the playoffs, I hope Bama wins out so Auburn can crush their dreams. Screw Bama and War Damn Eagle
4. Blame The Players (Often The Kicker)
“Our idiot kicker who got liquored up” -Peyton Manning, Circa 2002
Start Jeremy Johnson NOW. Prepare for the future. Seasons officially over, better passer, bigger leader, more confident, and a better overall athlete in my opinion. Auburn fans it’s time to face facts, Nick Marshall is an athlete, not a quarterback. War Damn Eagle till I die
LSU kicker Dominguez is a dimbass
Fournette isnt getting the job done. overrated
5. Blame The Refs
You can’t have college football without fans bashing the referees.
Auburn couldn’t beat the refs and their bad calls last night! The fumble that was called with 3 minutes left was clearly recovered by auburn with no doubt in my mind. We would have scored and won the game if it weren’t for the refs bad call!
Sorry but what the refs did in the last minute of the LSU Alabama game was unforgivible. LSU had the game won but the refs went out of thier way to screw up one of the greatest games of the year and hand the win to Nick Saban I mean Alabama.
What else is there to say than that,the SEC officiating has just been horrible this year. So many calls blown in my Tigers loss to Bama that if I didn’t shave my head I would be bald because of pulling my own hair out, come on how can you not call pass interference on that last play in the end zone? But yet this not the cimplete reason LSU loss, sadly it was multiple things that cost LSU the game(I’m looking at you Trent Domingue) drop passes where the biggest mistakes when several huge dropped passes on third down killed many drives. But back to the refs, this isn’t the first time bad calls have happened in key moments, Florida vs Kentucky anyone? Or how about the double numbers 1s Auburn had on the field in their final play against Ole Miss, it has just been a horrible year of missed calls and I don’t see it improving any time soon. Do the refs play a big p art in teams losing? Sure they do, a huge part, the refs have decided at leat 4-6 games this year. But it’s probably shouldn’t be a excuse for my team losing with so many missed opportunities, but it makes me feel better when I tell myself that it’s the refs fault, and it is.
Mr. NCAA Refs, please pull your collective heads out of your collective rectums and call the game right. Your refereeing has become so bad that I almost feel bad for the opposing teams when they are on the receiving end of your outright stupidity. Do the college football world a favor and go home to Soviet Russia where people won’t get mad at you for showing up to the games inebriated.
6. The Conspiracy Theory
When blaming the refs gets old, you turn your eye to the higher powers whether that is ESPN, the SEC or Barack Obama.
Tom Ritter and crew should not be allowed to officiate Bama games.. he/they are horrible and have made B’S calls at critical junctures that determine the outcomes of the gane. So pathetic. The better team did not win tonite. It was referee pick it. The new playoff system would be less messy with a Bama win. If LSU won it practically the whole SEC West would be tied with two losses apiece. Same in the NFL when the Sea hawks were preordained to play /win the Super Bowl. ..better revenues for the league.
Yes, Auburn put themselves in those positions and that is on us…BUT from the CBS video angles I CLEARLY saw evidence to overturn both calls of “Texas A&M recovers fumble at 1 yard line” and “Runner was not down in end zone aka no safety”… Just like when Auburn played Mississippi State, any close call went AGAINST Auburn. Investigation needs to be done regarding this ref bias against Auburn.
Why on earth would you allow a Bama alum to call a Bama game? Terrible Personal Foul call to push LSU back 15 yards, incomplete pass at :13 not reviewed, and no pass interference on the last play of the game. Slive and Co strike again!!!
7. Blame The Coaches
If you’re looking to launch coach here).com, I suggest SquareSpace, GoDaddy, or Wix.
Because everyone knows the ref’s did not call that pass interference when he was standing right there in front his face. I think all ref’s should be fined when not making the right call that may keep them honest and when flag is thrown review it and let the right call be made from there. Also I don’t feel as Les Miles makes the right decisions by playing or trying a different QB with a better arm. Why not use both QB’S to throw them off? If Harris has the better arm let him throw a few then that would open up the running game more. Les plays to conservative like he is scared. Alabama did a good job stopping the run up the middle because that’s all Miles wanted to do. As long as Les is head coach LSU will not see a championship game mark my words! Who wants to be a 10 game winning team every year and settle for a bowl game? LSU IS BETTER AND DESERVES GREATNES S AND CHAMPIONSHIPS! I coached and could coach a better game then him. Lastly, they should of double cover Cooper the whole game to take away there main passing game. Stevie Wonder could see that!! Lol
8. Angry At The Coaches
Ellis Johnson is not very popular today, and current Florida Head Coach Will Muschamp is the most popular DC candidate ever.
Our defense is complete s**t. We turn the ball over too much to even be in the top 15. Who were we kidding? Ellis Johnson needs to go! Will Muschamp may be looking for a job soon and I’d take him back as a DC!
You can’t fault the offense when 582 yds of offense and 38 pts. should win any game. Malzahn says he isn’t going to blame anybody. LET ME HELP HIM. Ellis Johnson doesn’t have a clue as to how to stop our opponents. He has not defended successfully against any team this season. The defense lost the game to Texas A&M. No tackling, discipline, or excitement. REPLACE JOHNSON! BroPhil
38 points should always win a football game. A less than decent defense would have Auburn in the playoffs – not providing college football with the biggest upset of the year FIRE ELLIS JOHNSON. Hire Muschamp. Bring back that respectable Auburn defense
9. Angry At Everything
Relax folks. It’s only football.
EVERY year AL CHEATS TO WIN TGE GAME!!! 4th quarter LSU drove down the field bout to score the back pocket refs hit them w/ a 15 yard penalty for pushing and ALBwas pushing to. If AL is so good why do the refs have to help them give them more time to win. UNBELIEVABLY CHEATING ASS AL. Geaux Tigers
What in the hell happened to this “hurry up” offense we’re supposed to have? I know we have what is supposed to be one of the best offensive minds in the country, but we pa our coach to be able to run at least 75 plays a game… Where’s that money going instead??? Coach Malzahn, we didn’t hire you to be Tommy Tuberville’s substitute. We don’t need your conservative play calling when we’re paying for aggressive, attack based football. Coach Johnson, please learn the definition of “Defense” and write it 500 times or until you remember it. Also, we need you to be on par with the offense, not inspiration for them to make some miracle play to save us from your failures.
10. Off The Deep End
Oh boy.
I don’t know how Auburn f****d up, A&M isn’t s**t this year! F*****G DAMNIT GUY! I know that we’re a better team than the s**t we pulled against Mississppi St and f****g A&M. If we could have held onto the ball, and cut down on errors, we would’ve beat them I feel. But now, we’re outta the playoff picture, or so it seems. Let’s focus on winning out, and more than anything beating those Alabama f***s in their home stadium. F**k the Tide. Alabama should’ve lost to LSU last night, had it not been for yet another game those former peewee, SEC officials called.
Pissed off is an understatement. I am on the brink of mental implosion after watching Auburn piss away the game not once but twice. The two fumbles that cost us the playoffs will haunt me in my nightmares tonight as I toss and turn unable to sleep like a child the night before Christmas. #JeremyJohnson2015 #WarEagle
The SEC ref bias and f**king Les Miles keep bama in the running once again. Everyone on lsu last drive at the 4 yard line could have gotten called for a flag …but no it went on LSU….f**k you bama you got lucky once again and f**k you SEC officials. Terrible called game but was expected because they gotta make their money next week when the hicks play the inbreds for the SEC west Title . I hope whatever SEC teams that make the playoffs get destroyed
11. The Ole Miss Girl
Sometimes a fan crosses over into something completely different… into this..
A graduate of the University of Florida and founder of Saturday Down South, Kevin is a college football enthusiast.