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SEC Football

5 best college football chaos memes

SDS Staff

By SDS Staff


It’s been an emotional rollercoaster the last few days in college football.

How did we get here? Well, the Big Ten and Pac-12 canceled their fall seasons Tuesday. Meanwhile, the SEC, ACC and Big 12 are still moving toward playing the season. The same medical data that was given to the 2 conferences that bowed out has allowed the SEC and others to proceed closer to a season. Perhaps the Big Ten and Pac-12 were looking for a reason not to play, while it’s priority to play for the other 3.

The SEC and ACC need the Big 12 to stay strong and keep on the path of playing college football this fall. Should the Big 12 have a change of heart, all bets are off, and the SEC and ACC would likely bow out, thus giving us no college football in 2020.

Meanwhile, there’s Nebraska in the Big Ten, who has verbally expressed interest in still playing this fall outside of the Big Ten.

Things look quite chaotic at the moment, and these 5 hilarious memes sum it up well.

SDS Staff

Saturday Down South reports and comments on the news around the Southeastern Conference as well as larger college football topics.

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