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SEC Football

Greg Sankey refutes specutlation of the SEC cutting schools, calls it absurd

Corey Long

By Corey Long


Greg Sankey is in Columbia, Missouri ready to shut down all the rumors.

There has been some speculation, mostly from bored college football fans on fansite message boards, that as the SEC expands more to keep up with the rest of the expansion craze it could drop some schools from the league.

Sankey says that thought is not under consideration.

Right now the SEC appears to be staying put with the current 14 teams in the conference with the expected additions of Oklahoma and Texas to push the league to 16 teams in 2024.

Meanwhile Sankey has been putting in the travel miles early in the season. He was in Hawaii for Vanderbilt’s opener against last Saturday and is checking out Missouri-Louisiana Tech on Thursday night.

The SEC Commissioner met with Missouri student-athletes and coaches earlier in the day.

Corey Long

Corey Long is a freelance writer for Follow Corey on Twitter @CoreyLong.

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