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SEC Football

Lane Kiffin tries to play off hilariously bad recruiting video as a deliberate stunt

William McFadden

By William McFadden


By now, nearly everyone has seen Lane Kiffin’s bizarre recruiting video for Florida Atlantic University.

Pale skin shining in the sun, Kiffin blinked his way through a monotone and lackluster recruiting pitch meant to inspire both prospects and fans, alike. Instead of completing its intended goal, however, the video quickly went viral for all the wrong reasons.

Now, Kiffin is asserting that his video was intentionally bad in order to garner the level of intention it actually did. If true, that would be a clever move by the offensive mastermind.

There’s only one problem with that claim, however. The official Twitter account for FAU athletics has since deleted the tweet that included Kiffin’s video. If the video achieved its intended purpose of garnering more attention, why was it deleted?

Few will ever know what the true story actually is, but it didn’t appear to do much harm as Kiffin landed the highest-rated recruiting class in FAU history.


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