Flopping in college basketball may soon result in a technical foul.

That’s the punishment the NCAA’s rules committee recently recommended starting next season. After making the recommendation, the NCAA Playing Rules Oversight Panel will hold a meeting in June to decide if flopping will be a technical foul.

Under previous rules, referees were instructed to warn players against flopping. Apparently, that measure was not getting the desired effect on the court.

“After two years of using warnings, we didn’t feel like we were getting the results that we wanted,” said Tad Boyle, committee chair and head coach at Colorado. “We are trying to get flopping out of our game. We’re asking the officials to call them when they happen.”

Another possible rule change that has been recommended by the NCAA’s committee would rework fouls in college basketball. The committee would like to see individual foul limits moved to six, instead of the current five, which results in players being forced to leave the game.

One note to that rule, if a player is called for four fouls in a single half, they would be ejected from the game.

The committee also recommends the transmission of live statistics to the bench area for coaching purposes and tenths of seconds to be displayed on shot clocks next season.