The coronavirus has reached one of ESPN’s most popular personalities.

NBA analyst Doris Burke joined Adrian Wojnarowski’s “The Woj Pod” to share that she has tested positive for COVID-19. Burke’s reveal comes more than two weeks after she first felt symptoms. Burke told Wojnarowski that she first felt symptoms on March 11, when she was broadcasting a Denver Nuggets-Dallas Mavericks game. Just days later, Burke said she could barely be out of bed.

“I was so tired that if I tried to get out of bed from Saturday, the 14th through Tuesday, March 17th, St. Patrick’s Day – I kid you not – I could not be out of bed for five minutes without needing to go back to bed and lay down,” Burke said on the podcast.

Burke says it was on that Tuesday (the 17th) that she decided she needed to get tested for coronavirus despite not showing the most commonly associated symptoms.

“I started to believe, even though my symptoms did not seem to line up with the typical symptoms, I believed, given the nature of my profession, the number of people I encounter, that I did in fact have exposure to the virus.”

Burke, who has been with ESPN since 1991, said that it took eight days to get her test results back. On the podcast, she details her hospital experience, recovery and more.