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Texas AM Aggies

Jimbo Fisher reveals OL coach Jim Turner will not return to Texas A&M

Michael Wayne Bratton

By Michael Wayne Bratton


One of the few holdovers from Kevin Sumlin’s former Texas A&M staff is leaving College Station as Jimbo Fisher revealed offensive line coach Jim Turner won’t return for 2019.

Fisher announced the news during his Wednesday evening National Signing Day press conference. According to reports, Turner is expected to take the offensive line coaching position with the Cincinnati Bengals.

Here is what Fisher had to say when asked if Turner would return in 2019.

“No. Jim will not be with us next year,” Fisher replied. “All let the other media work through it — Jim did a tremendous job for us, he was outstanding. Great relationship, he dealt tremendously with everything with us wish him nothing but the best. I think he did a heck of a job, consider him a great friend and wish him good luck.”

Turner had become something of a mainstay in College Station over the years, working as the Aggies offensive line coach from 2008-2011 and again from 2016-2018. He is noted as an excellent evaluator and developer of talent.

While replacing Turner won’t be an easy task, it would appear Fisher has already found his replacement — based on his response when asked when the next Texas A&M offensive line coach would be introduced.

“It will happen very, very, very, very quickly,” Fisher said while smiling.

Fisher also noted that spring practice in College Station will begin March 20 and the upcoming spring game is set for April 13.

Michael Wayne Bratton

A graduate of the University of Tennessee, Michael Wayne Bratton oversees the news coverage for Saturday Down South. Michael previously worked for FOX Sports and

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