Johnny Manziel had his domestic violence charges dropped in an agreement with prosecutors that will require him to take anger management courses/counseling while also receiving treatment for his substance abuse issues, according to USA TODAY.

It will spare the former Texas A&M Heisman-winning quarterback and troubled NFL free agent quarterback some jail time.

“A conditional dismissal agreement is only the beginning of the process of educating an individual on how to make better choices when facing conflict,” the Dallas County District Attorney’s office said in a statement. “It is an important first step for a defendant. Success or failure will depend on one’s commitment to the treat programs included.”

If Manziel fails to abide by the terms of the deal, he would be prosecuted for the assault charge, which carries a up to a year in prison.

Additionally, the NFL could suspend Manziel even though he’s not currently under contract with a team, if the league’s own investigation finds that he violated the league’s policies on domestic violence.

“I’m thankful to both the court and prosecutor for their hard work and diligence in trying to come to a fair and just resolution for all parties involved,” Jim Darnell, Manziel’s lead attorney, said in a statement. “My client is pleased to be able to put this part of the situation behind him and is eager to satisfy the terms of the agreement.”

At this time, Manziel’s playing days seem to be over, but priority No. 1 is to start living a life that isn’t self-destructive. Hopefully this is the first step in that direction.