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Tennessee Volunteers

NBA fan suffers ankle injury attempting half-court shot

Paul Harvey

By Paul Harvey


One NBA fan had a night to forget during Sunday’s NBA game between the Houston Rockets and the Los Angeles Lakers.

The fan — referenced as “Anthony” by the host — was taking part in the “Big Shot Jackpot” event during a break in the action. It included Anthony attempting a shot from halfcourt with $55,000 up for grabs.

Unfortunately, the event did not go well for Anthony. His heave from halfcourt sailed to the left of the rim and he wound up wrecking his ankle and stumbling down to the court after the shot.

The fan was in visible pain before the host came over to help him to his feet. Anthony was supposed to receive another try from the 3-point line, but that was scrubbed as he struggled to stay on his feet due to his sudden ankle injury.

Anthony certainly missed out on his shot at glory. On the other hand, this is likely to be a night he’ll remember for years to come.

Paul Harvey

Paul Harvey lives in Atlanta and covers SEC football.

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