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Tennessee Volunteers

Video: Jalen Hurd’s insane treadmill workout

Talal Elmasry

By Talal Elmasry


Jalen Hurd topped off his morning workout by testing how fast his legs could possibly move.

On Monday, the Tennessee junior running back posted a video on Instagram of him jumping on an inclined treadmill going 19.5 mph for a high knees workout.

Finish off the morning workout with high knee incline runs at 19.5mph . @robert_paulele

A video posted by Jalen Hurd (@jayhurd1) on

If you want to run the risk of face-planting at your local gym, this is the perfect workout for you.

Hurd is coming off a season in which he finished 4th in the SEC in rushing yards (1,288) and 6th in rushing TDs (12) as part of a Vols rushing attack that ranked 2nd only to LSU in rushing yards per game (223.7).

Talal Elmasry

Born and raised in Gainesville, Talal joined SDS in 2015 after spending 2 years in Bristol as an ESPN researcher. Previously, Talal worked at The Gainesville Sun.

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