Mike Gundy has never been one to mince words or hide his opinion, so it’s no surprise the Oklahoma State coach went on a rant even after a 38-35 win over Texas on Saturday night.

The target of this weekend’s rant was Twitter, which Gundy blames for all of America’s problems.

After being told his quarterback faced criticism on Twitter, Gundy went on a hilarious rant against the social media platform, including some NSFW language and a couple of fart noises:

“I don’t give a rat’s ass about Twitter,” he starts. “It’s a platform for people sitting at home drawing an unemployment check, sitting in front of a keyboard. I’m not disregarding what you’re saying. Trust me, I get it in my own house. But I just feel like social media and Twitter are what’s destroying this country anyway. That’s how I feel about it — from politics to sports or whatever, it just gives people a platform to bitch and then other people are needling them and they’re sitting at home and are late on a payment.”

Never change, Mike. Never change.