The hunt for the Lombardi Trophy is down to two teams and DraftKings Sportsbook is gearing up for the championship tilt between the Rams and Bengals with 56-1 Super Bowl odds. Before things kick off in mid-February from Inglewood, the biggest DraftKings Sportsbook promo to date brings players a wild odds bonus on America’s biggest sporting event.

DraftKings Sportsbook is offering 56-1 odds on Super Bowl 56. This +5600 odds boost provides new players with the chance to sign up and bet $5 for a $280 bonus on the Rams or Bengals to win.


21+ and present in NY, NJ, PA, CT, AZ, CO, IA, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, MI, NH, OH, OR, TN, VA, WV, WY. Gambling problem? Call 1-800-GAMBLER.



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Throw out the point spreads and toss away the standard game moneyline odds. It won’t matter if you’re backing the favored Rams or underdog Bengals because both teams getsthe same 56-1 odds. While DraftKings Sportsbook has offered solid low-risk, high-reward specials, it’s taking things to the next level during for Super Bowl 56.

Click here to get DraftKings Sportsbook and bet the Super Bowl matchup with 56-1 odds.

DraftKings Sportsbook Gives 56-1 Odds on Super Bowl 56

Have $5? Want to win $280 while watching the Super Bowl? Good — DraftKings Sportsbook offers this 56-1 odds special all the way up to kickoff from SoFi Stadium on February 13.

As you are probably aware, the Super Bowl is the most-watched and most bet on game of the year, and with legal online sports betting continuing its rapid growth into new state markets (New York sports betting most recently went live), the top sportsbooks make strong pushes this time of year to bring in new players. Interestingly, the Bengals and Rams play in states where betting has yet to go live, but we suspect that won’t slow things down here.

Why does this matter? Because the competition breeds awesome promos and bonuses to bring in new players, and that’s exactly why DraftKings Sportsbook is bringing out 56-1 odds for postseason games, including the Super Bowl.

FanDuel is also offering 56-1 Super Bowl odds, so DraftKings is coming back with a bet $5, win $280 offer of its own for this game.

How to Get 56-1 Super Bowl Odds With DraftKings Sportsbook

To get some of the best odds available at any legal online sportsbook on the way to Super Bowl 56,  just follow these brief steps:

  • Click here to get started.
  • Provide a name, address, email address, etc. to complete the registration process.
  • Make a first deposit of $5 or more.
  • Prior to making a wager opt-in to this bonus on the main menu and then select the moneyline (team to win) of any postseason game.
  • Place a $5 bet, select the boost, and confirm.

Bettors who are located in Arizona, Colorado, Wyoming, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Iowa, Indiana, and Michigan are eligible to sign up and receive this DraftKings Sportsbook promo.

What to Look For

Certainly, 56-1 odds will lead the way in terms of player incentives, but the DraftKings app will have plenty of other bonuses. Get no-brainer odds on specials like “Hammer the Over,” daily odds boosts on game and player props, and both parlay and same game parlays.

Click here to get DraftKings Sportsbook and bet Rams-Bengals with 56-1 odds.


21+ and present in NY, NJ, PA, CT, AZ, CO, IA, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, MI, NH, OH, OR, TN, VA, WV, WY. Gambling problem? Call 1-800-GAMBLER.



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