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Georgia Bulldogs

Former Georgia players on Patriots aren’t too happy having to practice at Georgia Tech

SDS Staff

By SDS Staff


As the New England Patriots prepare for Super Bowl LIII, they’re practicing at Georgia Tech’s facilities in Atlanta, and that’s not sitting too well with former Georgia players on the Patriots’ roster.

Bill Belichick zinged former UGA standouts Sony Michel and David Andrews for having to practice at their rivals’ facilities.

“The Georgia guys [Michel and Andrews] are not thrilled being at Georgia Tech,” Belichick told Jenny Vrentas and WBZ TV in Bostom. “But that’s all right. They’ll get over it.”

Michel finished 2-2 during his career against Georgia Tech, while Andrews finished 3-1.

Meanwhile, Patriots OL Shaq Mason played at Georgia Tech, and Andrews makes sure to rib his current teammate about their college days.

“I like to always remind him that I’m 3-1 against him, and he always likes to remind me that he beat us our senior year and that’s all that matters — and it was Between the Hedges,” Andrews said this week of Mason. “But we always give each other grief. He’s fun-loving. He’s a great teammate, and he’s become one of my best friends. It’s kind of crazy, after this year we’ve played more football with each other than our respective schools, so I never thought that would happen but here we are.”

College football rivalries are the best.

New England and Los Angeles play Sunday night at 6:30 p.m. ET in Atlanta.

SDS Staff

Saturday Down South reports and comments on the news around the Southeastern Conference as well as larger college football topics.

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