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LSU Tigers

Photo: LSU has an awesome new campus attraction

William McFadden

By William McFadden


It seems as though every college is competing to have the newest amenities and the coolest upgrades it can proudly boast of to prospective students.

LSU is the latest school to complete one such upgrade. On Saturday, ESPN’s Darren Rovell tweeted a picture of the college’s recently-completed leisure pool, which also spells out its abbreviated name.

The 536-foot pool was part of a larger renovation plan, which began in 2013 and sought to improve LSU’s recreational facilities. Also added as part of the school’s renovations were nine new tennis courts and 344 parking spaces at the student rec center, the redesigning of the center’s locker rooms and a 35-foot climbing wall, among other things.

It’s not as though LSU’s football program needs any help convincing elite prospects to commit, but a recruiting pitch might become slightly more effective if it’s made while floating around this gigantic pool.

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