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Missouri Tigers

Missouri AD Jim Sterk ‘shocked and dismayed’ by NCAA penalties, expects to win appeal

Michael Wayne Bratton

By Michael Wayne Bratton


Missouri was hit with a bombshell on Thursday as Barry Odom’s football program was handed down a one-year postseason ban following an NCAA investigation stemming from academic fraud. The football program was not the only sports program affected by the NCAA’s ruling, as both the baseball and softball teams have received postseason bans.

Instead of commending Missouri for cooperation, the NCAA punished the school. A reversal of sorts from what the NCAA did to North Carolina following that school’s academic scandal from 2017. This action by the NCAA could very well result in undermining future NCAA investigations.

In response, Missouri’s athletic director has already issued a lengthy response to the NCAA’s decision. Following that statement, Jim Sterk was on a conference call with the media to field questions regarding the NCAA’s decision to punish the school after Missouri fully cooperated with the investigation.

Here are the highlights of Sterk’s call:

  • “I certainly don’t think these penalties are reflective of what we expected.”
  • “I think through the appeals process we can have an opportunity to correct this.”
  • on how long the appeal process may go: the appeal process could take months or up to a year.
  • on the action/penalties he expected the NCAA to take: says he thought the penalties would include probation. He says he did not expect postseason bans.
  • Sterk’s reaction to the penalties: I was shocked and dismayed.
  • on Missouri’s appeal: We expect to win the appeal.
Michael Wayne Bratton

A graduate of the University of Tennessee, Michael Wayne Bratton oversees the news coverage for Saturday Down South. Michael previously worked for FOX Sports and

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