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SEC Football

Guest picker for College GameDay is the ‘Lone Survivor’

Kevin Duffey

By Kevin Duffey


Navy SEAL Marcus Luttrell inspired the book and movie called The Lone Survivor. Luttrell is in Tuscaloosa this week to give the Alabama team a pep talk prior to the game against No. 1 Mississippi State, and now it has been announced that Luttrell will be the celebrity guest picker on ESPN’s College GameDay broadcast.

Haven’t read the book or seen the movie? Marcus Luttrell was one of four Navy SEALs caught in a major battle with Taliban forces in Afghanistan back in 2005. The other three SEALs as well as a helicopter full of 16 SEALs en route to rescue Luttrell’s team was killed on this day. Luttrell was seriously wounded, but was able to make it to a nearby village and eventually get back into U.S. hands. It’s an amazing story – if you haven’t read the book or seen the movie, I strongly recommend it.

We’ll see how well Luttrell knows his college football on Saturday, but I won’t be the one to disagree with him.

Kevin Duffey

A graduate of the University of Florida and founder of Saturday Down South, Kevin is a college football enthusiast.

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