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SEC Football

NCAA announces committee will review transfer waiver guidelines

Michael Wayne Bratton

By Michael Wayne Bratton


While it may seem like FBS football is being overrun with waiver requests from an inordinate amount of transfers this offseason, the NCAA is claiming that isn’t necessarily the case.

That’s according to the data the NCAA pulled from the 2014-2015 academic season, which is last season that data is available according to the NCAA. That’s the stance the NCAA is taking but the Division I Transfer Working Group is still recommending the NCAA’s new waiver guidelines be researched.

Here are the numbers the NCAA provided on Thursday, showing that the number of waivers requested and waivers granted this offseason aren’t off pace from what they were back in 2014-15:

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Last offseason, the NCAA changed the language regarding waivers. Some have argued the new language is ambiguous, which many believe make it too easy for players to transfer and gain eligibility at their next school.

The NCAA provided the following statement from Kaity McKittrick, deputy athletics director and senior woman administrator at Lafayette, explaining the need to study waivers more closely moving forward.

“The Committee for Legislative Relief is reviewing current transfer waiver guidelines to make sure they are in line with the membership’s expectations. We do believe attention on a small number of high-profile requests can skew perceptions of the scope of staff and committee review.

“Each waiver request is reviewed individually, as they each present a unique fact pattern and almost always confidential information of the student. Our committee and the staff operate with the membership’s guidelines in mind, and are not driven by a specific approval percentage.”

Michael Wayne Bratton

A graduate of the University of Tennessee, Michael Wayne Bratton oversees the news coverage for Saturday Down South. Michael previously worked for FOX Sports and

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