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SEC Football

Sad Fans are Sad: Round 10

Mack Dalton

By Mack Dalton


Each week I’ll be trying to find the best of the sad fan pictures, videos, what have you. If you see one that should definitely be included feel free to tweet it to @MackDalton or submit them to


Kentucky was pretty much run out of the stadium on Saturday on their way to limping in missing a bowl game:


Auburn fans. Oh, Auburn fans. Lots of controversy here. Sad fans know no controversy. They are sad:

NCAA Football: Texas A&M at Auburn

NCAA Football: Texas A&M at Auburn



There was a lot of emotion in the Alabama vs. LSU game. These guys were real sad for a little bit:


But then those fans got super happy and the rest of the stadium, well, looked like this:

2014-11-08 at 11.45 PM





Mack Dalton

Worked for the internet in Los Angeles before being lured back to Florida by SEC football and the promise of a bourbon bar. When he's not internetting or watching football, he's probably out giving himself 4-footers on the golf course.

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