Spurrier on Mauk's sideline hit: 'He jarred me and my ball plays fell out'
Steve Spurrier forgives Maty Mauk for his sideline collision during last week’s loss to Mizzou. (Here’s the video if you haven’t seen it).
He said Tuesday the bump out-of-bounds was not intentional after the quarterback didn’t let up after running for a first down near the Gamecock sideline early in the fourth quarter.
“He didn’t give me an extra elbow or anything, he just sort of jarred me,” Spurrier said during his weekly press conference. “I stayed upright but my ball plays fell out (of my hand).”
Spurrier hurried away from the play when he saw Mauk approaching, but it didn’t help after the player’s momentum was finally stopped at the training table after the HBC had nearly toppled over, play sheet flying to the ground.
“When I see the rush coming or a wad of people, I try to get out of the way,” Spurrier said. “I felt a push in the back and I thought one of my own guys hit me.”